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Everything posted by idothisforcash

  1. Hotspotshield works fine, and spotflux works too. They both got free versions
  2. Well hehe, in total its been like 1 month but I recently started again after like 1-2 week break. Then i botted like 2 weeks straight middle dragons in wilderness with the free script Th3 Gdk that apparently has much lower banrate than the west dragons in wild. Like 5 days ago or so I bought a premium script and botted west drags, and like a mentioned earlier only 5 hours a day max and with break days
  3. Ye thats true, a huge amount of the 07 players are bots
  4. Banned on my goldfarmer acc LLLLL Its totally just about luck to not get banned... botted like max 5 hours a day at west drags in wild. Also swapped between different skills and sometimes went fishing etc. The account dident look like a typical dragon bot either, had like full armor with rune platebody etc
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