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Barrage Gaming

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  1. Thank you. Is it still best to just stay on own residential IP and bot smart? I remember for a while everyone was suggesting vpns and VMs but then they started getting insta-banned. Not sure what the deal is these days. Also, would you happen to be informed on a proper Bot farm setup? Was contemplating making a HCIM starter service. In which i don't care if 1 or 2 accounts get banned each cycle but i want to avoid getting chain banned. If not, that's okay. Ill just keep researching Yeah, Alot of the time i only bot for a few hours then ill go do my farm runs, maybe some quests, etc. Plus im active in CC and in general chat while im botting anyways. I just didnt wanna do all the clicking. I know you've been around since this whole thing pretty much just started, do you happen to have any input on best ways to approach a bot farm these days?
  2. As the title says, im an old school returning botter. Im not looking to go very hard with botting. But im curious what has changed in the past few years. Is general botting still a very high ban rate? If i'm not running a gold farm, and only botting a few hours a day with paid scripts. What are the chances of hitting a maxed account? Last time i was into botting, you couldn't make it 2 weeks without being banned even on low ban rate scripts. I know the general answer is "Dont bot if you dont wanna lose your account". But what has been your own personal experiences with being cautious/babysitting/being smart lately? I was probably only going to bot tedious things. Pest control, WT boss, possibly zulrah and RC, and agility. Thanks for everyones opinons and input before hand! Much appreciated.
  3. Yeah, In a dead world and nobody interacted with me. Not sure if that matters.
  4. So you think im rather safe as to play on the same IP as before, just do it on mirror mode and use better scripts?
  5. I also need to find the best route to go now that my account has been banned on my IP and its most definitely flagged. Open to any and all suggestions any helpful member is willing to throw out there. Ill be doing some research, but any guidance is greatly appreciated.
  6. Interesting theory. I was killing men for ranarr farming just to get some starter gold. Was also babysitting. Was not using mirror, it was down at the time it seemed. Not loading like many complaints on the VIP forums. Im going to try an account now using ONLY mirror. Do you have any personal suggestions for updated anti-ban methods? Yes i read the updated long anti-ban post. Once again, i know the risks of botting, but i also know some people made it to maxed accounts all botted. Im not super educated as far as IP/proxy etc and its effectiveness. It doesnt really make much sense to me for some reason. Maybe thats where ill try to work on next and see if my success rate is any higher.
  7. Account was about 3 years old but low level, few quests done. Logged in occassionally but nothing serious. Was only CB lvl 32 when started. Banned within 1 hour of using PerfectAIOFighter at a non-busy location. IP has not previously been banned for botting. I don't really care. It's botting. It happens. Just a heads up.
  8. That helps tremendously. This is the information i was looking for. Thank you so much. How would i be able to get residential Proxies? Or a rotating one? What should i look for? I just want to make sure i look up the right thing. I googled residential proxy, and it seemed the only things coming up were the dedicated servers, what you said would be from a data center. I also see people speaking about running bot farms from local sources? IE libraries or other public computers? Do you have any knowledge/input on that?
  9. Yeah. I'm personally going to dish out the money for the scripts. It's more cost effective for my situation. I'm going to attempt to go nearly full auto. I'm personally completely lost at the VPS/ residentials etc. I have NO idea about any of that stuff. And everytime i google any of that, it seems to just be a bunch of garbage information. I'm going to keep digging though. Thank you!
  10. Phenomenal guide. It answered alot of my previous questions. However the ones i posted are still currently unanswered.
  11. So, i used to be a rather experienced bot farmer, but these days it seems like everything has changed. The last time i truly botted was the bot bust when frost drags were first released. So, i've been reading, and it seems like my methods are still viable, but the running of the farm has completely changed. In order to run the most productive LARGE bot farm, what all is needed? I've been seeing people talk about dedicated servers, VPS, rotating residential IPs etc. (I'm incredibly noob to this, and i have NO idea what exactly im looking for here) I used to run 60 bots at a time. I would like to get back in that range eventually, but start slow. Money invested isn't really an issue, although i will use some of my F2P methods first until the farm inself is stable. Any experienced and CURRENT bot farmers willing to share what their setup is? No i don't want to hear your methods. I know nobody will share those. But im just trying to figure out what it ACTUALLY takes to have a successful botfarm in the modern system, and trying to estimate how much i need to invest to get it started. Much appreciated. EDIT: I guess a better way to word, to ask for the help i need, is: What dedicated server do you use? And what level/capacity would i need? I was looking at AVH. As far as residential IPs go. Does every account need a different IP? Do you run rotating IPs? Or do you have a static IP for every account. Once an account gets banned on that static IP. Do you discard that IP and get a new one? The Whole MASKING process is where i get lost currently. Times were much simpler when i botted.
  12. I wonder if they ever.... "Log" off.
  13. So, with the release of mobile coming. That opens more horizons obviously. As i was sitting here looking at a runescape mobile ad, i was thinking wow, it would be incredibly easy to use an auto clicker on an emulator for fletching and basically be undetectable. But, what if we can have a script/off-client that would process through the emulator which is playing runescape mobile. Injections would then be in the emulator instead of the client itself, would they not? I'm not super educated as far as technicalities go, so take it easy on me. But i figured it was an idea i would through out to the community, and get some more professional feedback.
  14. I'm not opposed to the idea, however, how would we technically team up? Sorry, i just am not quite sure what you're implying.
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