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  1. Yeah, it's working now. So idk what the problem was.
  2. Yes, I've deleted everything related to OSBot on my computer and tried redownloading.
  3. I tried looking at that, I can't seem to find anything that relates to my problem.
  4. Ok, so I just downloaded the bot and when I open it I sign in with my correct forums info and then I click the + button, but nothing opens or anything. In the log box it just says this, [iNFO ][01/01/14 11:24:18 AM]: Connecting to remote server... [iNFO ][01/01/14 11:24:18 AM]: Connected to remote server! [iNFO ][01/01/14 11:24:19 AM]: Signed in as : Noltzzz [iNFO ][01/01/14 11:24:19 AM]: Loading remote scripts... I've been trying to use this bot the past 2 days, and yes I have deleted all existing files of it and tried redownloading and yes my Java is up to date. So if anybody knows a solution to this problem I would greatly appreciate it!
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