Disputed member: Apec (http://osbot.org/forum/user/123703-apec/)
Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/76950-%E2%98%85-buying-07-gold-%E2%98%85-%E2%98%BE-best-rates-%E2%98%BD-fast-secure-service-%E2%9C%94/ (I didn't actually post on the thread but thats where I found his skype which is where we spoke)
Explanation: Apec advertised he was buying 07 gold. After chatting on skype for a bit we came to a deal, I traded him 23m then no more than five minutes later Apec sent me a message saying I cancelled the trade and deleted me on Skype.
Our skype convo:
Another extremely similiar dispute involving Apec: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/77475-apec-scammed-10m-osrs-gp/
Apecs Skype profile: http://imgur.com/gKHNFkJ
I don't have any screenshots of the trade (wasn't expecting to get scammed) and I don't really think anything is going to come of this. I wasn't even going to post a dispute at all (because lack of evidence) but if this post can save at least one person from getting scammed it has done its job.