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Jay Cutler

Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Jay Cutler

  1. I know that many people have the problem of even opening the client, but my problem is quite different. When I click "Open" and after that the "Launch" button, for some weird reason it opens up two clients. This is not a bug that developers should be prioritize as number one priority. But I still think that it's not intended to work like that. 





    Always the one below the other works other one just sits there smile.png

  2. the people who buy it arent donating, theyre just buying a rank to gain trust and probably even end up scamming, Amazon is a great example.

    I say let the people donate if they want, but dont give a reward because then it makes it like a purchase, why would they community need to know if they donated or not, or how much? its none of our business


    Why should I know that you're VIP?

  3. It absolutely does! Sponsor is a cheap way of buying VIP for an extended period of time. So VIP and Sponsor don't count in this discussion. The 100$ donor shows you went out of your way to donate to OSBot. Some people here abuse the fact that they donated a number amount. They think they stand above all other members of the community. Why would you want to add another 'class' to the people of OSBot?

    If people want to donate $250 or $500, THEN THEY WOULD. The only reason they're not is because they want a social symbol to tell the community that they did something good. I have never in my life seen a form of donating so selfish and more greedy than here.


    Human nature, we want to be recognized for doing charity ;)

    It's a minority that wants to donate money and be silent about it.

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  4. yeah. I probably should've just made this entire thread there.

    Script writers will probably vote against it.


    Well Script writers are just butt hurt, because they can't afford it :D

    So maybe it would be more $100 donors decision,

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