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  1. Like I said, I can get it to work if i start a blank project and follow the instructions to set it up. But it does not work when I do the same thing for the osbot script
  2. I can figure out how to setup a blank java project and make a connection to my sql server database but when I try to do it the same way in my osbot script it keeps telling me "No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver://(server):port;database=;integratedsecurity=true;"
  3. I can consistently get accounts to: 10 pray 10 atk, str, def 30+ woodcutting I usually get banned when I get close to that point though.
  4. It seems like every time my bots start fishing they get banned shortly after. Usually what I do is net fish until 20 and then try to do fly fishing till 30 but i've noticed almost all my accounts get banned when they start net fishing. I used to net fish at Lumbridge but there were too many people so I figured i should find a net fishing spot that is very lightly trafficked and another one of my accounts got banned today when they started net fishing. Has anyone experienced high ban rates when net/fly fishing?
  5. Yeah I get we don't work for jagex I was just trying to get a feel from the community based on their experiences. I've been getting banned a lot lately but I think its because i'm botting almost entirely in Lumbridge so i've been getting lots of reports from random players. I've been selecting areas far away from lumbridge in areas that aren't very active and it seems to be helping.
  6. I would like to skip having to write code that makes my bots generate money and go and buy supplies on their own. Is there any risk in having an alt trade resources like woodcutting axes, fishing gear, etc to the bot when it starts so that it can just go to the bank and retrieve the gear as needed?
  7. I tried this but it doesnt seem to work: @Override public void onResponseCode(int code) throws java.lang.InterruptedException{ loginCode = code; loginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
  8. I found a work around. I just copied the OSBot files from my host machine to my virtual machine and now the scripts from the store are there. I dont think refreshing the scripts pulls from the store though.
  9. Basically my main computer the scripts load fine. But I have a virtual machine setup and the scripts from the store will not load into for some reason. Anyone have any ideas why that might be?
  10. Dude your quest list is horrible lmao.... You can do goblin diplomacy and Romeo and Juliet and that gets you to 10 quest points lol
  11. They asked for my drivers license for verification and I don't trust them at all now.
  12. Yeah i've tried that... The script fails if I add something like: log("test");
  13. Thats it. I want to be able to write a message to the logger so i can see what my script is failing when its executed....
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