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Posts posted by caav



    Support. It would bring in a lot of cash for the dev's as it's also a way to show trust in places like the market.


    that is completely stupid..

    how does donating 10$ to a bot show trust worthiness in the market...

    donating 10$ and scamming 100$ isn't going to happen of course huh..? /sarcasm.


    Well that's an idiotic post...


    Do you know anything about blackmarket activities? It doesn't matter what it's for, someone who has donated/received feedback/has something to LOSE is less likely to scam then someone who risks nothing. Sure you could donate $10 and scam $100, but your losing something as compared to the person who never donated anything at all.



    I am pretty active in black markets, all I can say is: I have seen the biggest and most trusted user eventually scam..

    5uck?... hacked multiple accounts for example.. he was a "well trusted" mod.. still hacked..


    implying that when you donate 10$ you will think twice about scamming 100$+..

    donating doesn't have anything to do with trust worthiness..


  2. Support. It would bring in a lot of cash for the dev's as it's also a way to show trust in places like the market.


    that is completely stupid..

    how does donating 10$ to a bot show trust worthiness in the market...

    donating 10$ and scamming 100$ isn't going to happen of course huh..? /sarcasm.

  3. I just dont get how people don't know  this by now??? an update happens - theres downtime... EVERYTIME.............. some people just dont friggin learn. 


    exactly, the bot may be functioning properly after the update, but I rather wait till the devs confirm this before a load of bans happen..




    No shit Sherlock

    Was this really worth typing that to make someone feel like shit? think before you type next time sleep.png



    13 year old, trying to be awesome.



    who me or him?




    that gosse guy..


    • Like 1
  5. Dear community,


    The bot may be down sometimes, this can cause a load of threads of people asking why while the answer is simple.


    Game update:

    The game is updated, somethings might be changed and the dev's need to check if it isn't anything major.

    This may take sometime and let them take the time, this will highly reduce bans if you run an proper updated bot.


    Please don't spam the forums with threads asking why the bot is down!


    It will be back up shortly, please be patience!




    • Like 3





    homosexual or a-sexual (aka staying virgin for the rest of your life.)


    Stay a Virgin (a lot can still be accomplished without intercourse wink.png ).

    Thrust your eye into a nail -OR- Run a sharp apple peeler up your arm to shave your skin off?




    eye into nail




    get crucified like jesus or thrown into the sea tied to a rock with a bit of oxygen so you will slowly run out and suffocate. 

  7. I love the fact a lot of people get hacked..


    I download everything crossing my path and shit and never got hacked..


    install some good AV and get a hitman pro copy (either bought or cracked...) let hitman pro scan a few times a week/month and you are good to go...


    welcome back though and keep safe!

  8. the bot closes itself due to nullpointer problems...


    I have had this multiple times when I was watching the bot for a few min and then an nullpointer popped up and it closed...


    no idea if this is client sided or script sided.

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