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Posts posted by jordanoio

  1. im not spamming, excuse me for having an overly intelligent brain which cant think fast



    So just because you know that humans are fucking everything up, your're intelligent? Damn the bar has been set low.

    ITT: Paranoid teenagers

  2. That's the same as saying sex is ok because doctors give 12 year olds anal shits to prevent anal wartz which result from anal sex - I'm dead serious.

    And that doesn't mean anything. With your logic, we should add porn and coke and everything else to the forums...

    Also, marijuana is a drug. Along with being harmful, it's shown to even lower the IQ of users.

    I don't smoke marijuana but i'm all for other people who smoke it. A bunch of common things lower your IQ, such as sugar and even watching T.V. It's really not that harmful at all compared to the other common shit people do.

    Love when people classify Weed as a drug. What a fucking joke. But I 100% support. 

    It is a drug, don't try to play the "It's a plant so it can't be a drug" bullshit. 

  3. Upon signing up you agree you are 18+ soo.. 



    &Marijuana isn't bad, Hence why they use it for medication. Cancer patients, etc.

    Michael Phelps, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Many Presidents have smoked marijuana, and it hasn't effected them at all.

    I'm sure when you were a little kid (Might still be), you lied to get onto porn sites. Anyways, having a whole discussion just for weed, which does not have anything to do with runescape, gaming, or a computer for that matter, on a site dedicated to botting on a computer game.  

  4. He convinced me to have a drink... Then two... Then there and before I knew it I was out. I later woke up naked next to him in bed. He later claims there were girls in the bed... But they left...

    he sounds just like my dad

  5. Probably just dont do it, farming is a horrible skill should be removed from game along with hunter














    Use xp lamps

    Actually it's not a horrible skill and it's a pretty good skill for making money. You can do the sorcerers garden or whatever if you want farming and thieving xp.

  6. So, i saw a post of someone wanting to buy someones License transfer on XBL. I'm running out of games and what not to play, so i'm interested in buying people's license transfers. 


    Post what Digital content you bought on your account and if it's something i don't already have i'll message you and we can discuss a price. If anyone is curious what a license transfer is, i'll tell you! Thanks.


    Paying in osbot vouchers or 07 gold. 

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