Zee Best
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Everything posted by Zee Best
Yes, but you could click to smelt, then level up and you'd still have ores in your inventory but you wouldn't be smelting. The solution you posted is idiotic. The only way that would work would be to store the amount of ores you have and keep checking for a change within a certain time else smelt again, which isn't what you said. That's horrible, why would you sleep in a method that's trying to work out if you're busy?
I don't know what game you're playing but I've written a few scripts in the last month and none of them have broken using object ID's.
Because what if the script doesn't start smelting at all? Or events that interrupt actions such as levelling up.
As others have said wrap your onStart method in a try catch statement. You could print the track stace like; try { /* YOUR CODE HERE */ } catch(final Exception e) { final StackTraceElement[] stack = e.getStackTrace(); for (final StackTraceElement ste : stack) log(ste.getMessage()); } The only area I can see any error potentially being thrown there is your Integer.parseInt, make sure that the text doesn't have trailing or leading whitespace, you can use .trim() to ensure that. Also, print it out to see what it's actually trying to parse to ensure it's not going to throw a NumberFormatException.
Why are you using the 'this' keyword on every reference to a method within the class? The only time you should use 'this' is when you write a method and the parameter names are the same as variables in your class, or when you've got multiple constructors and you want to return a different one.
Since when? Object ID's do not change. If you're talking about objects specific to the player such as hunter spots then you can determine what the object is based on specific Varbits.
Eww, bit of a horrible way to use it, sleep is a boolean that blocks until the timer is reached, therefore; final ConditionalSleep smelting = new ConditionalSleep(random(1500, 1800)) { @Override public boolean condition() { return myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }; if(smelting.sleep()) log("We are smelting"); else log("We are idle.");
Were you being literal in that you are using a binary file and they're allowing it or you're using plain text? It's going to restrict a lot of stuff I can do. I don't understand why'd they block the download of raw data, I know you're saying about transferring of viruses and such as I'm pretty sure they already restrict the download location of files as well as runtime executing. All that along with the fact they have to verify each upload surely it's not feasible to do that? EDIT: The script I'm wanting to release would be premium, do they have exceptions for that? Since it's more professional and I'd have more to gain from selling it than from trying to manipulate it lol?
Yeah, I knew about using resources stored in a Jar file but are there any limits to size? I may have to rethink my design and grab every single image and store those in an archive on the first run of the script. I don't understand why they would block binary downloads, how do people who make webwalking systems store their data? Hardcoded? Perhaps I can write a different storage format than PNG, such as how the RS client stores images with a palette however I'm not sure how I'll be getting the file size down that much! Already pruned tonnes of images by creating a lookup table and storing duplicate item images as a single.
So you're allowed to use a BufferedReader? I'm pretty sure any file could be downloaded using a BufferedReader since UTF-8 uses 1 byte per character anyway? My file is an archive I made that contains all inventory sprites of every item, along with a lookup table for IDs etc. So it's 5.5mb if I compress it. Yeah I meant caching the file, hence why I said I didn't want to put it into the resources in the Jar file. For the single auth I'll just use the system I already have in place for dynamic signatures, so each time it pings I can check against the last ping for that OSBot user. -_ Also, are the same security settings in place for running local scripts? As I want to test the whole downloading thing but don't want to assume that if it works on a local script it will work on remote ones.
I'm close to having my first decent script ready for release, however, there are a couple questions I'd like to ask before finishing it up. 1. Are we allowed to create connections to websites and download files? I'm assuming this is allowed as the scripts have to be checked before being accepted anyway. This is due to my script having a large amount of data/images stored in an archive. The file is too large to be added to resources as the user would have to keep downloading 5mb+ each time they run the script. 2. Is there a way to set single use on a script? So, if the user buys the script they can only use it on 1 account at a time. If this is not an option is it allowed for me to implement my own system?
Yeah, I've seen the events but are they executed on a different thread? Yeah, although that's a very hacky way. EDIT: I created a simple method that firsts hovers the entity, then checks the menu's tooltip to see if it's left click. If not it will right click and open the menu then try and select the action.
Basically, the API has become so noob-friendly that methods such as entity#interact will attempt to rotate the camera/walk to the entity. I've tried using hover() followed by menu.selectAction however that seems to fail unless the menu is actually open. Anyone else got any ideas?
The guy at g.e. decants noted potions he meant.
The camera class seems to be broken at the moment, manually setting the Yaw or using toEntity/toPosition doesn't work 99% of the time.
Why has this been moved to scripting help? IT IS A FUCKING BUG. Do you not understand? I'm not an idiot, I've been programming almost 10 years, I'm a Scholar on a different botting forum and I know what I'm doing. I don't need help, I have already told you the problem, use the fucking code I posted with a similar inventory and you will see the issue too...
Sorry, had to write it into Notepad++ as most of my work uses my own API. I'm using it as items[index] that's why I've declared the array. Even using getItemAtSlot(index) still returns the same result.
OSBot Version: 2.3.90 Description: When using Item.interact with an inventory of the same items it seems to only interact with the first found item. Firstly, I'm not an idiot when it comes to programming, so locking my last post and telling me it was my own issue isn't the way to go about it. Secondly, I've tested numerous ways of doing this and it still does the same thing. Basically, when you have any duplicate items in your inventory and select an item at a slot, for example the last slot, the client will find the first available item of that ID and use that instead. CODE LINKED AS PASTEBIN; Some reason when I write a quick example in Notepad++ the formatting is ruined posting here. http://pastebin.com/LdMRUwJK Now, this works fine if the items are different, for example, with this inventory; First it will drop the Rod, which is correct. Then it will drop the feathers, which is also correct, however after that it begins to drop the trout FROM THE FIRST TROUT TO THE LAST, which isn't correct. It should drop the one next to the feathers and work back, however item.interact seems to just find the next available item not the specific item.
The client hasn't been updated to support RuneScape's latest build.
Seeing things like this make me wish I could go to college and do a Java class. I looked into it after leaving school but there were no colleges anywhere near me that did Java as an actual course, they all worked with many different things and the majority of courses were just computer science and you'd only have a single module on Java. Although even if I went to college or university to do a Java course I could probably pass all the assignments without attending a single lesson lol.