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  1. yeah thats obvious here, how does that constitute microsoft embarassing themselves though??? GOOGLE should be embarrassed for making a half assed computing device.
  2. google makes the chromebook. not microsoft. really? like really dude?
  3. i think it would make communication between the members of this community just a bit more human actually, on chat people tend to ignore you and talk about their own stuff in one big cluster fuck, the different channels for certain topics would actually organize things MUCH better than the current crappy chat room. Definitely all for it, and im willing to bet that those that arent just dont want anyone to hear their little manchild voices L0l :P btw; vent > mumble much less ability to spam on vent imo therefore its better
  4. i personally just block signatures, you can change the setting in like 30 seconds in your profile. too many ugly & retarded signatures among the members of this community.
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