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Trade With Caution
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About ibotpures

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  1. I was actually thinking about joining a service but a little while ago but I am pretty busy with school. Maybe you would be able to point me in the direction of a good service to work for? If its worth it I can always make time for it haha :P.
  2. so far this is the most I have ever held at one time sadly..lol
  3. you do realize your on "osbot.org"....?
  4. Im coming up on three years with my girlfriend, i agree best decision i could have made
  5. When i did my last service my girlfriend was posted with me watching netflix all week haha
  6. I see alot of people post pictures of girls on here like they are actually gettin some but in reality how many of us actually are? I know i am ^_^, what about you?
  7. Thanks building my new account up!
  8. Thanks, I already finished it up we traded 80 str for some theiving levels ^_^
  9. Thanks, hillies turned out to be a terrible idea.
  10. Check out the seller protection guide stickied in the market you can check for verification and if you invoice it they cant chargeback
  11. They've already replied they said no probelm they're going to credit my bank account for the purchases l0l
  12. They emailed me with one of those unauthorized purchase emails so i wrote them up a 12 page story about my little brother lol
  13. Funny story i recently jailbroke my ipad to get free apps but neglected to sign out of the app store so my account got hit with $300 of apps/in app purchases l00l
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