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Posts posted by Panda

  1. It all depends on what you are botting and how you are botting. If you are going to suicide bot then expect a ban really soon. If you do bot try to bot afk skills and diversify, so don't bot the same skill 24/7. Bot another skill as well, fishing for example. My last ban most likely came from reports after I was legit playing at Sand Crabs, which I was afking, after I botted during the day.

  2. The only problem with using combat script is that it will be hard to pick up the arrows. So make sure you use avas.


    Now good FREE combat scripts are Juggles and Polymorphism's. Juggles, I like because it allows you to bank so you can let it do its thing. On the other hand Poly's lets, you train at experiments. 

  3. Website is full of fucking dumbasses. Bought an account two years ago, and in less than a month it was recovered. Took them about 2-3 months (apparently the couldn't get in contact with the fucker, and kept pushing it on), and when I kept pestering them they locked my account, and then two months after locked account get an email saying that the account is banned and they can't do anything. No refund and the seller is still able to sell the account, after recovering it and botting on it and then blaming the botting on. I asked to see the proof and they said they don't have anything.

  4. Personally, I would say no. Unless, you want to go into the medical field, I wouldn't recommend doing Psychology. This is due to the decline in that field (at least in the Dallas Metroplex). Nonetheless, I would recommend doing a dual major/minor in Pysch.

  5. 1 hour ago, Alek said:

    So you only get the issue on a second tab on your machine?

    Yes sir. No issue arises when I'm only using one tab. I can enable/disable the input when a script is running and when a script isn't working. The issue arises soon as I add a new tab, and nothing I do fixes it afterwards. 

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  6. Couple of things:

    1. The enable/disable input works perfectly fine when running one tab. I can enable and disable without any issues.

    2. The main issue lies with 2 tabs being opened. Soon as the second tab is opened input is enabled and can't be disabled. I don't even touch anything except add bot and soon as the second tab opens the enable/disable issues start acting up.

    3. Because of the enable/disable input, I can't seem to close the ads. I don't never if this was intended or not, but it gets really annoying!

    I don't know if this has been mentioned, but thought I would let you know. Also I am using Windows 10 if that helps.

  7. ^^ would be amazing if the scope of the rocks could be expanded. But amazing xp per hour. My only concern lies with the shift dropping. It seems to bug out because it is dropping so fast that it clicks on the ore instead of dropping it. Luckily it goes back to mining once it think it has dropped it! And once the inventory fills up again it drops it!

  8. I have the diasble input toggled on and I am currently running 2 tabs and on both tabs the disable input is toggled on, however on both tabs I am still able to click and type and all. The reason that this is a problem is because I babysit my bots at times and thus talk whenever someone is talking which requires me to close the paint or reopen the paint. But because the toggle option isn't working I am not able to reopen or close the paint for some reason. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, The Undefeated said:

    Pretty sure Acerds fletcher does the job doesn't it?

    Ring of recoil maker is also already in the SDN.

    Could try that out.



    Acerd's one doesn't allow for bolt usage (there's a chisel bug in which the bank never closes and he hasn't fixed it last time i checked)

    Ring of recoil maker is broken iirc

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