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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Toxicity

  1. People.. I am not the person that suggested priority for staff promotions... stop saying that the thread is about that.. the thread is about super donator.. please read the whole thread if you want to contribute... not just to boost your post count

  2. Are these suggestions?... Why arn't you Vet Sponsor


    Vet Vip should have a mix of gold or whatever it was with purple maybe?

  3. ^ you basically argued with your self in your own comment?


    You said it aint gonna happen... any time soon, so it ain't a pointless suggestion... and you are basically agreeing on what I am saying?, dumbass

  4. ^ We should also make spammer of the month rank... plenty of virgins want that rank


    The legend Led Zeppelin would of won it every month... but now it has retards like @Shakur competing for it

    ^ We should also make spammer of the month rank... plenty of virgins want that rank


    The legend Led Zeppelin would of won it every month... but now it has retards like @Shakur competing for it

  5. The advantages are there to make people want to donate, no one really wants to donate for nothing, like no1 needs to donate now... whats the point... osbot has enough money, if we donate then were just retards, you donate to charity... not to a website that makes like $10 000+ a month


    Now if there are advantages.. then of course people will want to donate more

  6. ^ Yeah that would be good, make a whole new donator section, from $5 to infinity


    That would make OSbot alot of money... alot of nerds like Shakur would be trying to make themselves look more popular by donating loads

    • Like 1
  7. Well I am not the one that would be deciding the advantages... but some I would recommend / suggest:


    - Choosing the colour / effect of your name


    - Being able to check your bot status, pause / start bot, from your mobile device / Ipad etc


    - Entry to a monthly giveaway... im sure Osbot makes enough money to do a giveaway every month


    That's all I can think of at the moment, but I am sure if admins were to consider this... they would add more features

  8. Well who the hell is gonna super donate for same advantages as sponsor?


    If you would donate $150 then it means you are really dedicated to this website, of course you deserve more stuff than other members


    And if you don't want the advantages... then don't donate lol


    This is just an idea anyways, I know alot of forums with VIP , Sponsor, and Super donator, Sythe for example

  9. Maybe $150 for super donator, make sure you give them plenty of advantages compared to other members


    I would be willing to super donate


    One advantage I would love is to chose the colour / effects of your name


    This is just an idea... anyone can add to this :)

  10. ^ Yeah lol... shame it's closed down, read some articles on it... pretty interesting story lol, the owner was hiring hit-men to take out one user who was in $500,000 drug debt haha


    Atleast my other drug store is still open... but doubt that will last long now D:

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