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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by exuals

  1. While your code is ok, It is highly unoptimized. I suggest the following changes :

    Don't declare inner class variables private. Since it won't be accessed by other classes, you can just leave it as default.

    Make your ArrayList final because first, you are not changing it anywhere else in your class, second, the JVM reads it first through early binding, so make it

    final ArrayList<Event> allEvents = new ArrayList<Event>();

    You can also make your Event E final too, so the loop can be:

    for(final Event e : all evens){



    Thanks, my IDE does it automatically when I refactor const's though.

  2. Just saying...


    • AttackMonster, this can be run in BLOCKING mode as we don't want to fight multiple monsters. When this event is executed, if there is another event currently running, it will be queued. When this event is Working it will be in combat with a monster, when the event is Finished, the monster should be dead and Failed would be if the monster is unable to be killed or killed us. This is incredibly useful as there is functionality to run code while event is queued, hence, if you queued an AttackMonster event it could right click the monster and wait for the current to be killed.

    I haven't scripted for OSBot 2 but its seems you should be setting that Event to be competed when you're attacking the monster, not when it's dead. Otherwise you'll be stuck in the AttackMonster event 'til it's dead.


    It's intentional, otherwise it'd attack a monster and immediately attempt to attack another when you're in combat.


    It's an example to demonstrate how to do the right click next monster for max efficiency shit.

  3. Since there is a tutorial for the legacy I figured I'd throw up what I've been using to develop OSB2 scripts.


    So, before I copy and paste code, an event is similar to a 'node' with the addition of useful features such as;


    • EventMode
    • EventStatus

    EventMode determines when to run the code in the event. With concurrency changes in OSB2 you can run events in 'ASYNC' mode, AKA another thread that runs this event in sync with another already running event.


    For example say you have an autofighter, you can start a new event in async mode that checks prayer points and when low; drinks a dose of prayer restore. 


    You can also set an event to run in BLOCKING mode, simply stating that when the current event is finished, run this one next.



    EventStatus determines what the event is currently doing, this is useful for managing multiple events.


    EventStatus can be: 

    • Queued
    • Working
    • Finished
    • Failed

    Back to the autofighter example, some of the events could be:


    • AttackMonster, this can be run in BLOCKING mode as we don't want to fight multiple monsters. When this event is executed, if there is another event currently running, it will be queued. When this event is Working it will be in combat with a monster, when the event is Finished, the monster should be dead and Failed would be if the monster is unable to be killed or killed us. This is incredibly useful as there is functionality to run code while event is queued, hence, if you queued an AttackMonster event it could right click the monster and wait for the current to be killed.
    • EatFood, this would be run in ASYNC mode as we want to eat when we are low and not wait for the current event to finish. EatFood can be queued to indicate that you want to eat 3 or 4 pieces of food in a row. When the event is finished, determine that our health increased to complete the event.



    Now, our core script class:

    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import org.osbot.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.script.event.Event;
    import Events.EventTest;
    public class TestScript extends Script {
    	private ArrayList<Event> allEvents = new ArrayList<Event>();
    	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    		for (Event e : allEvents) {
    		return 1000;
    	public void onStart() throws InterruptedException {
    		allEvents.add(new EventTest());

    Looks similar to the node framework right?


    Simple enough to read, we have an ArrayList of all of our events , onStart we add what events we want to use.


    During the onLoop for this example we simply execute all of the events in the arraylist.


    Note: If you have events that run in async make sure to place them before non async events when adding to the arraylist.



    And here is an example event:

    package Events;
    import org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
    import org.osbot.script.event.Event;
    public class FishSharks extends Event {
    	private static final String FISHING = "Fishing";
    	private static final String HARPOON = "Harpoon";
    	private static final int _618 = 618;
    	private static final int _2906 = 2906;
    	public int execute() throws InterruptedException {
    		if (inventory.isFull())
    		if (!(myPlayer().getAnimation() == _618))
    		return 0;
    	private void startFishing() throws InterruptedException {
    		NPC fishingspot = npcs.closest(_2906);
    		if (fishingspot.exists()) {
    			sleep(MethodProvider.gRandom(1000, 200));
    	public String toString() {
    		return FISHING;

    This event simply catches sharks if it is not animating.

    Since the event hasn't stated a EventMode it is automatically set to BLOCKING.


    Here is an example of a ASYNC event;

    package Events;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Spell;
    import org.osbot.script.MethodProvider;
    import org.osbot.script.event.Event;
    public class AntiBan extends Event {
    	private static final String ANTIBAN = "Antiban";
    	public AntiBan() {
    	public int execute() throws InterruptedException {
    		return 0;
    	private void antiBan() throws IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException {
    		int rand = MethodProvider.random(0, 4);
    		switch (rand) {
    		case 0:
    		case 1:
    		case 2:
    		case 3:
    		sleep(MethodProvider.gRandom(6000, 6000));
    	public String toString() {
    		return ANTIBAN;

    Because this Event is run in ASYNC (Notice we set this in the constructor) the antiban will run concurrently with the other two events.


    And finally, the core of this example fishing script:

    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import org.osbot.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest;
    import org.osbot.script.event.Event;
    import Events.AntiBan;
    import Events.BankSharks;
    import Events.FishSharks;
    @ScriptManifest(author = "exuals", info = "I don't even", logo = "what", name = "exFishy", version = 0)
    public class exSharksAPI2 extends Script {
    	private ArrayList<Event> allEvents = new ArrayList<Event>();
    	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    		for (Event e : allEvents) {
    		return 1000;
    	public void onPaint(Graphics2D arg0) {
    		int x, y, width, height;
    		x = 20;
    		y = 50;
    		width = 100;
    		height = 25;
    		for (Event e : allEvents) {
    			if (e.isWorking()) {
    				arg0.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
    			} else if (e.isQueued()) {
    				arg0.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
    			} else if (e.hasFailed()) {
    				arg0.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
    			arg0.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
    			arg0.drawString(e.toString(), x + 15, y + 17);
    			y += 30;
    	public void onStart() throws InterruptedException {
    		Collections.addAll(allEvents, new AntiBan(), new FishSharks(), new BankSharks());
  4. Broke from staking and need to make dosh.


    Going to write a quick GDK bot with some customization for my account (Ancient teleporting & Looting bag).


    I'll post progress in a list as I go along, if anyone would like to contribute or collab, shoot me a PM.


    Aiming to be finished by tomorrow, midnight at the latest.



    Starting items withdrawn from bank from hashmap

    Looting bag API (Deposits)

    Teleport to Graveyard

    Attack Green Dragon

    Eat Food

    Open Bank


    In Progress: 

    Looting bag API (Withdraw, bank)



    • Like 1
  5. As a script writer who wrote the asynchronous tasking for a previous script, did you use a queue with an Overridden peek to determine where to place the mouse?

    That was my method, was incredibly efficient, would highly recommend. 


    Also, could we see a script to check out the new API?

  6. I was recently kicked & banned from the Chat for telling the user "Cortana" to "Fuck off"


    Now, I'm curious.

    This isn't allowed because I swore? Or insulted you're little e-whore?


    Either way this is ridiculous, this is an internet community, a public way to express opinions. If I have a negative opinion of another user I'll state it as I expect them to state it to me, when in discussion.


    Cortana corrected my context of "you're/your", I told her to fuck off and was kicked.


    I rejoined the chat and then was banned after attempting to argue (without using "language") my side of how idiotic it is to censor language in a fucking chatroom.


    I can name multiple users on a daily basis who swear in that chatroom with moderator presence, anyone here know of a "Smoke Crack"?


    He's nothing but an idiot and annoying troll that swears and tells new users to delete system32, don't worry, you can still find him in the chatroom, but not I.


    Get you're shit together, censoring language in a public internet chatroom? Get real.

    Embarrassing to be a part of this community.





    • Like 2
  7. This is what I use:

    public static class Timer {
            private long end;
            private final long start;
            private final long period;
            public Timer(final long period) {
                this.period = period;
                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                end = start + period;
            public boolean isRunning() {
                return System.currentTimeMillis() < end;
            public void reset() {
                end = System.currentTimeMillis() + period;
    	public boolean recentlyInCombat() {
    		Timer cbCheckTimer = new Timer(500);
    		while (cbCheckTimer.isRunning()) {
    			if (cA.myPlayer().isUnderAttack() || cA.myPlayer().getAnimation() == 1156 || cA.myPlayer().getAnimation() == 388) {
    				return true;
    		return false;

    Change however you see fit. Runescape game ticks are 700ms I believe?

  8. Although this sounds wonderful, some of us just don't know the HOW. I'd personally love to write scripts, but I don't know Java. I have the attention span to learn it and make a good script, but I don't know how to learn it. I only know html (not a programming language really), Basic (still nothing there) and just yesterday I started in on Simba. But I'd love to learn Java and make a beautiful script.

    Take a look at my recent tutorial to get started.

    Although, I'd suggest a Java course first.

  9. Let's hope this thread doesn't get lost and lags out my bot.



    Node-Based, Responsive, Stable


    What is it?

        exGDK is a Green Dragon killing script that uses Ancient Magicks, Ring of Dueling, Obelisks, Player Combat Detection, Quick Combat and much more. It is nearly complete, when finished it will be available on the SDN.


    Current Progress

        exGDK was developed on a node based framework to improve clarity and flexibility especially when adding new content or updating previous content.



    • EatFood - Eat if we have food and are under 60 health
    • AttackDragon - Uses mini-map  camera, local entity checking for attackable, then filtering for best result based on proximity/player factors, very fast, area based
    • LootBones - Loots bones, uses mini-map, camera roto, right clicking, fail-safes
    • PortalHandler - Can detect current wilderness level, current portal, centre of obelisk and activate.
    • BankingHandler - Walks to bank, deposits everything except teleport runes, withdraws sharks, necessary runes.
    • RingOfDuelingHandler - Activates ring of dueling.
    • TeleportHandler - Teleports to Graveyard
    • WalkToPortal - Walk from GDKArea to Portal
    • GYToPortal - GY to Portal walking handler
    • CombatResponder - Needs to be tweaked to only validate on enemy player in current facingentityarray
    • AntiBan - 50%, need to finish random switch cases for detail
    • PanicHandler - 25%, will detect player combat and attempt to escape. Will use prayers, running, eating, procedural path-finding









    • Like 1


    Since when was walking so complicated? ohmy.png




    Since when was walking so complicated? ohmy.png


    It isn't. This code was needlessly overcomplicated.



    While it could be simplified, this is meant to be in conjunction with the tool on his old topic.


    It also provides a hell of a lot more than the average walking API, once again, please see his topic, I use it for my scripting and it's excellent.



    Not saying anything against it. Just that the same quality can come out of half the code.



    With only having to change a couple lines up and switch it from bot to client, I like it for the amount of fail-safes it provides.

  11. Since when was walking so complicated? ohmy.png




    Since when was walking so complicated? ohmy.png


    It isn't. This code was needlessly overcomplicated.



    While it could be simplified, this is meant to be in conjunction with the tool on his old topic.


    It also provides a hell of a lot more than the average walking API, once again, please see his topic, I use it for my scripting and it's excellent.

  12. Credits go to Brainfree, his original thread can be found here:



    I simply updated his methods and fixed the class inheritance shit.

    Let me know if there's any issues.



    package API;
    import org.osbot.script.mouse.MinimapTileDestination;
    import org.osbot.script.rs2.Client;
    import org.osbot.script.rs2.map.Position;
    import java.util.*;
     * @author Brainfree
     *  It'll get the job done.
    public class PackedSplineWalk {
        public static final int BASE_LENGTH = 104;
        public static final int BASE_BOUNDARY = BASE_LENGTH - 1;
        public static final int WALL_NORTH_WEST = 0x1;
        public static final int WALL_NORTH = 0x2;
        public static final int WALL_NORTH_EAST = 0x4;
        public static final int WALL_EAST = 0x8;
        public static final int WALL_SOUTH_EAST = 0x10;
        public static final int WALL_SOUTH = 0x20;
        public static final int WALL_SOUTH_WEST = 0x40;
        public static final int WALL_WEST = 0x80;
        public static final int BLOCKED = 0x100;
        public interface Conditional { //All hail
            public boolean isActive();
        public static abstract class FloodAgent {
            public int[][] flags;
            public int base_x, base_maxX, base_y, base_maxY, curr_plane;
            public final Client bot;
            public FloodAgent(Client client) {
                this.bot = client;
            public void updateBase() {
                if (base_x != bot.getMapBaseX() || base_y != bot.getClient().getMapBaseY() ||
                        curr_plane != bot.getClient().getPlane()) {
                    base_x = bot.getClient().getMapBaseX();
                    base_maxX = base_x + 104;
                    base_y = bot.getClient().getMapBaseY();
                    base_maxY = base_y + 104;
                    curr_plane = bot.getClient().getPlane();
                    flags = adjustCollisionFlags(bot.getClient().getClippingPlanes()
            private int[][] adjustCollisionFlags(final int[][] flags) {
                final int lx = flags.length - 1;
                final int lx_m = lx - 5;
                for (int x = 0; x <= lx; x++) {
                    final int ly = flags[x].length - 1;
                    final int ly_m = ly - 5;
                    for (int y = 0; y <= ly; y++) {
                        if (x <= 5 || y <= 5 || x >= lx_m || y >= ly_m) {
                            flags[x][y] = -1;
                return flags;
            public abstract Position[] findPath(Position from, Position to, boolean fullFlood);
        public enum DirectionalOrientation {
            NORTH_WEST(-1, 1, 135) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_x > 0 && f_y < BASE_BOUNDARY &&
                            (here & (WALL_NORTH_WEST | WALL_NORTH | WALL_WEST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x - 1][f_y + 1] & BLOCKED) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x][f_y + 1] & (BLOCKED | WALL_WEST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x - 1][f_y] & (BLOCKED | WALL_NORTH)) == 0);
            }, NORTH(0, 1, 90) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_y < BASE_BOUNDARY && (here & WALL_NORTH) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x][f_y + 1] & BLOCKED) == 0);
            }, NORTH_EAST(1, 1, 45) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_x > 0 && f_y < BASE_BOUNDARY &&
                            (here & (WALL_NORTH_EAST | WALL_NORTH | WALL_EAST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x + 1][f_y + 1] & BLOCKED) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x][f_y + 1] & (BLOCKED | WALL_EAST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x + 1][f_y] & (BLOCKED | WALL_NORTH)) == 0);
            }, EAST(1, 0, 0) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_x < BASE_BOUNDARY && (here & WALL_EAST) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x + 1][f_y] & BLOCKED) == 0);
            }, SOUTH_EAST(1, -1, 315) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_x < BASE_BOUNDARY && f_y > 0 &&
                            (here & (WALL_SOUTH_EAST | WALL_SOUTH | WALL_EAST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x + 1][f_y - 1] & BLOCKED) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x][f_y - 1] & (BLOCKED | WALL_EAST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x + 1][f_y] & (BLOCKED | WALL_SOUTH)) == 0);
            }, SOUTH(0, -1, 270) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_y > 0 && (here & WALL_SOUTH) == 0 &&
                            (flags[f_x][f_y - 1] & BLOCKED) == 0);
            }, SOUTH_WEST(-1, -1, 225) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_x > 0 && f_y > 0 &&
                            (here & (WALL_SOUTH_WEST | WALL_SOUTH | WALL_WEST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x - 1][f_y - 1] & BLOCKED) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x][f_y - 1] & (BLOCKED | WALL_WEST)) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x - 1][f_y] & (BLOCKED | WALL_SOUTH)) == 0);
            }, WEST(-1, 0, 180) {
                public boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here) {
                    return (f_x > 0 && (here & WALL_WEST) == 0
                            && (flags[f_x - 1][f_y] & BLOCKED) == 0);
            public abstract boolean walkable(int[][] flags, int f_x, int f_y, int here);
            public final int x_shift, y_shift, angle;
            DirectionalOrientation(int x_shift, int y_shift, int angle) {
                this.x_shift = x_shift;
                this.y_shift = y_shift;
                this.angle = angle;
        public static class BitPathfinder extends FloodAgent {
            public static final int INFINITE_DISTANCE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; //what ever floats your boat
            private final Set<Integer> settledNodes;
            private final Map<Integer, Double> shortestDistances;
            private final double Cross = Math.sqrt(2);
            private final Comparator<Integer>
                    shortestDistanceComparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
                public int compare(Integer left, Integer right) {
                    return Double.compare(getShortestDistance(left), getShortestDistance(right));
            private final PriorityQueue<Integer> unsettledNodes =
                    new PriorityQueue<>(
            private final Map<Integer, Integer> predecessors = new HashMap<>();
            public BitPathfinder(Client client) {
                this.settledNodes = new HashSet<>();
                this.shortestDistances = new HashMap<>();
            private void init(Integer start) {
                setShortestDistance(start, 0);
            public void execute(Integer start, Integer destination, boolean fullFlood) {
                Integer u;
                while ((u = unsettledNodes.poll()) != null) {
                    if (!fullFlood && u == destination) break;
            //TODO so lazy, overkill bit shifting, does not matter tbh.
            public int makePositionHash(int x, int y, int z) {
                return (z << 28 | x << 14 | y);
            public int[] getDestinations(int hash) {
                int x = (hash >> 14) & 0xFF;
                int y = hash & 0xFF;
                int[] nodes = new int[0];
                for (DirectionalOrientation orientation : DirectionalOrientation.values()) {
                    if (orientation.walkable(flags, x, y, flags[x][y])) {
                        nodes = Arrays.copyOf(nodes, nodes.length + 1); //fk lists
                        nodes[nodes.length - 1] = makePositionHash(x + orientation.x_shift,
                                y + orientation.y_shift, curr_plane);
                return nodes;
            private void relaxNeighbors(Integer u) {
                for (int v : getDestinations(u)) {
                    if (isSettled(v)) continue;
                    int x = (v >> 14) & 0xFF - (u >> 14) & 0xFF;
                    int y = v & 0xFF - u & 0xFF;
                    double shortDist = getShortestDistance(u) + (
                            (Math.abs(x) > 0 && Math.abs(y) > 0) ? Cross : 1);
                    if (shortDist < getShortestDistance(v)) {
                        setShortestDistance(v, shortDist);
                        setPredecessor(v, u);
            private boolean isSettled(Integer v) {
                return settledNodes.contains(v);
            private void setShortestDistance(int node, double distance) {
                shortestDistances.put(node, distance);
            private Integer getPredecessor(int node) {
                return predecessors.get(node);
            private void setPredecessor(int a, int b) {
                predecessors.put(a, b);
            public double getShortestDistance(int node) {
                Double d = shortestDistances.get(node);
                return (d == null) ? INFINITE_DISTANCE : d;
            public Integer[] extractPath(int destination) {
                ArrayDeque<Integer> holder = new ArrayDeque<>();
                for (Integer node = destination; node != null; node = getPredecessor(node))
                Integer[] a = holder.toArray(new Integer[holder.size()]);
                return a;
            public Position[] findPath(Position start, Position end, boolean fullFlood) {
                int Start = makePositionHash(start.getX() - base_x, start.getY() - base_y, curr_plane);
                int End = makePositionHash(end.getX() - base_x, end.getY() - base_y, curr_plane);
                if (Start == End) return new Position[0];
                execute(Start, End, fullFlood);
                return convert(extractPath(End));
            public Position[] convert(Integer[] nodes) {
                Position[] real = new Position[nodes.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                    int hash = nodes[i];
                    real[i] = new Position(((hash >> 14) & 0xFF) + base_x,
                            (hash & 0xFF) + base_y, curr_plane);
                return real;
            public void clear() {
        public static class nodeUtils {
        	public static <T> void reverseOrder(T[] nodes) {
                int l = nodes.length;
                for (int j = 0; j < l / 2; j++) {
                    T temp = nodes[j];
                    nodes[j] = nodes[l - j - 1];
                    nodes[l - j - 1] = temp;
        public static class Timer {
            private long end;
            private final long start;
            private final long period;
            public Timer(final long period) {
                this.period = period;
                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                end = start + period;
            public boolean isRunning() {
                return System.currentTimeMillis() < end;
            public void reset() {
                end = System.currentTimeMillis() + period;
        public static class SplineWalk {
            private final Client client;
            int runningSessionEnableRunThresh;
            final int MINIMAL_RUN_ENERGY = 30;
            final int LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS = 16;
            final int compressionIndex = 7;
            public SplineWalk(Client client) {
                this.client = client;
            public int myX() {
                return client.getMyPlayer().getPosition().getX();
            public int myY() {
                return client.getMyPlayer().getPosition().getY();
            public Position myPosition() {
                return client.getMyPlayer().getPosition();
            public double positionDistance(Position A, Position B) {
                return Math.hypot(A.getX() - B.getX(), A.getY() - B.getY());
            public double distanceTo(Position position) {
                return positionDistance(client.getMyPlayer().getPosition(), position);
            public Position getFarthest(Position[] path) {
                if (path == null || path.length == 0) return null;
                Position best = null;
                Position destination = path[path.length - 1];
                double bd = Integer.MAX_VALUE, hold;
                int distance = (int) (9 + (3 * Math.random() + 1.5));
                for (Position node : path) {
                    if ((hold = Math.hypot(
                            node.getX() - destination.getX(),
                            node.getY() - destination.getY())) < bd &&
                            distanceTo(node) < distance) {
                        best = node;
                        bd = hold;
                return best;
            public boolean withinPreLoadZone(int x, int y, final int baseX, final int baseY) {
                int realX = baseX + LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS;
                int realY = baseY + LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS;    //could clean this up..
                int with = 104 - (2 * LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS);
                int realX0 = baseX + LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS + compressionIndex;
                int realY0 = baseY + LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS + compressionIndex;
                int with0 = 104 - (2 * (LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS + compressionIndex));
                return x >= realX && x <= realX + with && y >= realY && y <= realY + with &&
                        !(x >= realX0 && x <= realX0 + with0 && y >= realY0 && y <= realY0 + with0);
            public boolean isRegional(Position position) {
                int baseX = position.getX() - client.getMapBaseX();
                int baseY = position.getY() - client.getMapBaseY();
                return baseX >= LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS && baseX <= 104 - LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS &&
                        baseY >= LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS && baseY <= 104 - LOCAL_BASE_COMPRESS;
            public Position getRegionalNext(Position[] spline) {
                //We want the last element of the path. //TODO you can randomize it!
                Position goal = spline[spline.length - 1], best = spline[0]; //worst
                double bd = Integer.MAX_VALUE, hold;
                for (Position step : spline) {
                    if (isRegional(step) && (hold = Math.hypot(
                            goal.getX() - step.getX(),
                            goal.getY() - step.getY())) < bd) {
                        bd = hold;
                        best = step;
                return best;
            public boolean canOperate() {
                return client.getGameState() == 10 &&
                        client.getLoginState() == 30;
            public boolean checkGameState() throws InterruptedException {
                if (!canOperate()) {
                    Timer timer = new Timer(5500);
                    while (timer.isRunning() && !canOperate()) Thread.sleep(0, 1);
                    if (!timer.isRunning()) ; //Stop the script..
                    else return true;
                return false;
            public boolean splineWalk(
                    FloodAgent pathfinder,
                    Conditional keepWalking,
                    Position[] spline)
                    throws InterruptedException {
                Position[] path = null;
                Position next;
                int regionX = 0, regionY = 0;
                MinimapTileDestination mouseDestination;
                runningSessionEnableRunThresh = MINIMAL_RUN_ENERGY; //TODO you can randomize this
                while (keepWalking.isActive()) {
                    if (!withinPreLoadZone(myX(), myY(), regionX, regionY)) {
                        if (regionX != client.getMapBaseX() ||
                                regionY != client.getMapBaseY() ||
                                path == null || path.length == 0) {
                            regionX = client.getMapBaseX();
                            regionY = client.getMapBaseY();
                            path = pathfinder.findPath(myPosition(),
                                    getRegionalNext(spline), Math.random() > 0.65);
                            if (path.length <= 1) next = getFarthest(spline);
                            else next = getFarthest(path);
                        } else next = getFarthest(path);
                    } else next = getFarthest(spline);
                    if (next == null) {
                        path = null;
                        mouseDestination = new MinimapTileDestination(client.getBot(),
                                (next = getFarthest(spline)));
                    } else mouseDestination = new MinimapTileDestination(client.getBot(), next);
                    if (client.moveMouse(mouseDestination, true)) {
                        int breakDist = (int) (3 * Math.random() + 1.5);
                        Timer timeout = new Timer(1550);
                        while (keepWalking.isActive() && distanceTo(
                                client.getDestination()) > breakDist && timeout.isRunning() &&
                                        next.getX() - client.getDestination().getX(),
                                        next.getY() - client.getDestination().getY()
                                ) < 4) {
                            //TODO your set run method here
                            if (client.getMyPlayer().isMoving() || checkGameState()) timeout.reset();
                            Thread.sleep(0, 1);
                return !keepWalking.isActive();


    import org.osbot.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.script.rs2.map.Position;
    import API.PackedSplineWalk.BitPathfinder;
    import API.PackedSplineWalk.Conditional;
    import API.PackedSplineWalk.SplineWalk;
    import API.PackedSplineWalk.nodeUtils;
     public class SplineWalkExample extends Script {
            BitPathfinder pathfinder;
            SplineWalk splineWalk;
            public final Position[] splineFromBankToSawMill = new Position[]{
                    new Position(3252, 3425, 0), new Position(3252, 3426, 0), new Position(3252, 3427, 0),
                    new Position(3252, 3428, 0), new Position(3253, 3428, 0), new Position(3254, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3255, 3428, 0), new Position(3256, 3428, 0), new Position(3256, 3429, 0),
                    new Position(3257, 3429, 0), new Position(3258, 3429, 0), new Position(3259, 3429, 0),
                    new Position(3260, 3429, 0), new Position(3261, 3429, 0), new Position(3261, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3262, 3428, 0), new Position(3263, 3428, 0), new Position(3264, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3265, 3428, 0), new Position(3266, 3428, 0), new Position(3267, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3268, 3428, 0), new Position(3269, 3428, 0), new Position(3270, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3271, 3428, 0), new Position(3272, 3428, 0), new Position(3273, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3274, 3428, 0), new Position(3275, 3428, 0), new Position(3276, 3428, 0),
                    new Position(3277, 3428, 0), new Position(3278, 3428, 0), new Position(3278, 3429, 0),
                    new Position(3279, 3429, 0), new Position(3280, 3429, 0), new Position(3281, 3429, 0),
                    new Position(3282, 3429, 0), new Position(3282, 3430, 0), new Position(3283, 3430, 0),
                    new Position(3283, 3431, 0), new Position(3284, 3431, 0), new Position(3284, 3432, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3432, 0), new Position(3285, 3433, 0), new Position(3285, 3434, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3435, 0), new Position(3285, 3436, 0), new Position(3285, 3437, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3438, 0), new Position(3285, 3439, 0), new Position(3285, 3440, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3441, 0), new Position(3285, 3442, 0), new Position(3285, 3443, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3444, 0), new Position(3285, 3445, 0), new Position(3285, 3446, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3447, 0), new Position(3285, 3448, 0), new Position(3285, 3449, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3450, 0), new Position(3285, 3451, 0), new Position(3285, 3452, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3453, 0), new Position(3285, 3454, 0), new Position(3285, 3455, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3456, 0), new Position(3285, 3457, 0), new Position(3285, 3458, 0),
                    new Position(3285, 3459, 0), new Position(3285, 3460, 0), new Position(3285, 3461, 0),
                    new Position(3286, 3461, 0), new Position(3286, 3462, 0), new Position(3287, 3462, 0),
                    new Position(3288, 3462, 0), new Position(3288, 3463, 0), new Position(3289, 3463, 0),
                    new Position(3290, 3463, 0), new Position(3291, 3463, 0), new Position(3291, 3464, 0),
                    new Position(3292, 3464, 0), new Position(3296, 3464, 0), new Position(3293, 3465, 0),
                    new Position(3294, 3465, 0), new Position(3294, 3466, 0), new Position(3294, 3467, 0),
                    new Position(3295, 3467, 0), new Position(3295, 3468, 0), new Position(3295, 3469, 0),
                    new Position(3296, 3469, 0), new Position(3296, 3470, 0), new Position(3296, 3471, 0),
                    new Position(3297, 3472, 0), new Position(3297, 3473, 0), new Position(3297, 3474, 0),
                    new Position(3297, 3475, 0), new Position(3297, 3476, 0), new Position(3298, 3476, 0),
                    new Position(3298, 3477, 0), new Position(3298, 3480, 0), new Position(3298, 3480, 0),
                    new Position(3298, 3480, 0), new Position(3298, 3481, 0), new Position(3298, 3482, 0),
                    new Position(3298, 3483, 0), new Position(3298, 3484, 0), new Position(3298, 3485, 0),
                    new Position(3298, 3486, 0), new Position(3299, 3490, 0), new Position(3299, 3491, 0),
                    new Position(3299, 3489, 0), new Position(3299, 3490, 0)
            public Position[] splineFromSawToBank;
            final Conditional thisMustBeTrueToKeepWalking = new Conditional() {
                public boolean isActive() {
                    return !(myX() > 234234 && myZ() < 234234234); // while NOT between.. those.. bounds, keep chugging.
            public void onStart() {
                pathfinder = new BitPathfinder(client);
                splineWalk = new SplineWalk(client);
                nodeUtils.reverseOrder(splineFromSawToBank = splineFromBankToSawMill.clone());
            public int onLoop() {
                try {
                    if(splineWalk.splineWalk(pathfinder, thisMustBeTrueToKeepWalking, splineFromBankToSawMill)) {
                        System.out.println("My condition is not true anymore, and broken, so I have met it. that means," +
                                "based on my condition im (myX() > 234234 && myZ() < 234234234)"); //Im here! lets do something
                } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
                    // :'(
                return 500;
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