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  1. Thanks for your nice reply, greatly appreciate it. I am indeed struggling with the login into rs. I just tried both options, with patching into RuneLite and depatching it aswell. Very good suggestions by the way! Unfortunately it didn't work, but I'm doing a new restart and going to do all the things above again with the addon you just mentioned! Will return! Thanks! Peace & love
  2. Hey everyone! My first post didn't get approved, without me even getting a message or notification. I assume he or she thought that I did not thoroughly checked. I'll try again After many, many attempts and diverse troubleshooting: THE PROBLEM I cannot seem to be able to login into the RSclient. (Error: invalid username or password) WHAT I TRIED SO FAR (yes, some very silly assumptions here, but hey, I've been trying!) Made sure I had no special characters in my password Made sure I wasn't swapping out Jagex/RS/OSRS/OSBOT logins or messing with them in the wrong input Made sure that it wasnt a Azerty/Qwerty switch or hardware input problem Made sure that there was no bankpin Made sure that I retested everything the normal RSclient after a try on the osbot client Made sure that capital letter errors could be ruled out Made sure that my drivers were up to date or the driver program was set to the right settings Made sure that it was not a monitor/video input problem Made sure that different Java versions could not have an impact on this Made sure that it was not just my pc Made sure that my OS system was able to crossrun everything I am for sure leaving a ton of things out, but these are the ones that I found on here aswell. If anyone wants to check some things out with a camviewer or whatever they use now, anytime! Thanks for your help dear community! Happy playing!
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