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Everything posted by M1337

  1. I'll be doing a doing a giveaway of JetBRAINS products, if you don't already know what they do, feel free to check out their site; http://www.jetbrains.com/ Products include following different IDEs IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RubyMine WebStorm AppCode Just message me which IDE you'll be needing.
  2. M1337

    BETA v1.7.45

    I appreciate the update, will try it out the client in an hour.
  3. M1337

    BETA v1.7.44

    .Previously I had Java 7 Update 7, and everything were working fine until two days ago, when my OSBOT suddenly closed whenever I was trying to withdraw some items from my bank, today with the new update my result were that I couldn't even run the RS window inside the client, I've now updated my Java to Java 7 Update 40, and the client runs perfectly, but as soon as I log-in and move/click ANYWHERE inside the RS window, my FPS will drop to 0-3 making me unable to do anything. I hope you find a solution for this ASAP or at least can recommend a java and JRE version, using JRE 7U3
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