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737 last won the day on June 3 2024

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  1. This is the second script I wrote for OSBot. This script is incomplete from the end goal but will operate without issues unsupervised. I've been on a break from script writing but will be releasing scripts I have already made over some period of time. Perhaps I will start scripting again if I find my own use for these scripts, or others find use for them. 737 Chickens Features Attacks Chickens at Lumbridge Chicken farm Loots Chicken your character has killed Buries bones Cooks Chickens at cooking pot Goes "AFK" at certain intervals Missing Features Configuration - cannot skip actions like bury, cooking More locationsXp tracking doesn't do range or mage, however, the script should still perform Source I can post Jar if people desire it, it doesn't look the forum has an option to upload it unless I'm missing something
  2. 737

    737 Cook's Assistant

    I've updated this on the forum. I may have interest in collaborating on projects in the future but am currently taking a break. Burnt out at my job. Brain is tired.
  3. 737 Cook's Assistant Description Does the Cook's assistant quest then stops. Can be started at any point. No inventory or bank required. Screens shots: Script: This is my first script. I made it for fun. Potentially I will continue writing scripts. Maybe more quests, maybe something else. I would appreciate any feedback. I come from a .NET background so my Java is so-so. Also if there are any OSbot best practices I'm not following please let me know. Thanks
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