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  1. syreN

    Ip flag?

    How could i know when my ip is a problem and switch to new one, i have been using same ip for months, around 2-3, couple bans has happened since those months, id like to know if this affects negatively the alive accs and if is recommend to switch or it doesnt affect banrate? i have residential proxy
  2. Hey guys, I’ve been wanting to change my IP for some bots I’m using. The current location has a pretty high ping, and I want to switch to a closer one to make my in-game botting activity more efficient. Do you think this could get my account flagged and potentially geteting banned more quickly, or is it not really matter and I can freely change my IP without risk?
  3. yo maybe dumb question so i had the bad luck to find a mod in the same World that my bot was in , he definitely reported me, after 2 days that acc got banned (2more running without issues above 99s, is it a coincidence or was I really banned faster than normal due to a report from a Pmod
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