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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by PipiDaga

  1. Region / Current Rank / Last season rank/previous details/ what you'll recieve (recovery details)

    Region: OCE

    Current Rank: Unranked

    Last season rank: Gold S5, Plat S4

    Details you'll receive:

    Account owner ID to prove that I am the account owner

    Registered email set to yours

    Living address of account creator

    Telephone number used during registration

    Account owners date of birth


    Any other recovery details you may need can be provided (these are all the details I could think of)

    ill like to buy this pm or skype me.


    My skype is: ospipidaga

  2. I'm selling my League of Legends account with over USD$ 2,000 in skins!


    The trade will be done through OSBot using a highly trusted middleman


    Here is a full list of skins: (rare skins coloured in cyan)


    Justicar Aatrox 
    Midnight Ahri 
    Foxfire Ahri 
    Stinger Akali 
    Crimson Akali 
    All-star Akali 
    Nurse Akali 
    Matador Alistar 
    Unchained Alistar 
    Sweeper Alistar 
    Vancouver Amumu 
    Re-gifted Amumu 
    Sad Robot Amumu 
    Team Spirit Anivia 
    Bird of Prey Anivia 
    Noxus Hunter Anivia 
    Blackfrost Anivia 
    Red Riding Annie 
    Annie in Wonderland 
    Prom Queen Annie 
    FrankenTibbers Annie 
    Panda Annie 
    Sherwood Forest Ashe 
    Queen Ashe 
    Goalkeeper Blitzcrank 
    Definitely Not Blitzcrank 
    Riot Blitzcrank 
    Apocalyptic Brand 
    Vandal Brand 
    Zombie Brand 
    Safari Caitlyn 
    Headhunter Caitlyn 
    Siren Cassiopeia 
    Jade Fang Cassiopeia 
    Nightmare Cho'Gath 
    Gentleman Cho'Gath 
    Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath 
    Ice Toboggan Corki 
    Urfrider Corki 
    Dragonwing Corki 
    Fnatic Corki 
    Lord Darius 
    Bioforge Darius 
    Dunkmaster Darius 
    Dark Valkyrie Diana 
    Toxic Dr. Mundo 
    Mundo Mundo 
    TPA Dr. Mundo 
    Soul Reaver Draven 
    Death Blossom Elise 
    Masquerade Evelynn 
    Tango Evelynn 
    Nottingham Ezreal 
    Striker Ezreal 
    Frosted Ezreal 
    Explorer Ezreal 
    Pulsefire Ezreal 
    TPA Ezreal 
    Debonair Ezreal 
    Spectral Fiddlesticks 
    Union Jack Fiddlesticks 
    Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks 
    Dark Candy Fiddlesticks 
    Nightraven Fiora 
    Headmistress Fiora 
    Tundra Fizz 
    Fisherman Fizz 
    Enchanted Galio 
    Spooky Gangplank 
    Minuteman Gangplank 
    Toy Solider Gangplank 
    Sultan Gangplank 
    Sanguine Garen 
    Desert Troop Garen 
    Commando Garen 
    Dreadknight Garen 
    Scuba Gragas 
    Hillbilly Gragas 
    Santa Gragas 
    Gragas, Esq. 
    Vandal Gragas 
    Superfan Gragas 
    Fnatic Gragas 
    Jailbreak Graves 
    Mafia Graves 
    Riot Graves 
    Blood Knight Hecarim 
    Headless Hecarim 
    Arcade Hecarim 
    Nightblade Irelia 
    Aviator Irelia 
    Frostblade Irelia 
    Frost Queen Janna 
    Fnatic Janna 
    Darkforde Jarvan IV 
    Fnatic Jarvan IV 
    The Mighty Jax 
    Angler Jax 
    Temple Jax 
    Nemesis Jax 
    SKT T1 Jax 
    Debonair Jayce 
    Mafia Jinx 
    Sakura Karma 
    Statue of Karthus 
    Fnatic Karthus 
    Festival Kassadin 
    Harbinger Kassadin 
    Mercenary Katarina 
    Red Card Katarina 
    Kitty Cat Katarina 
    Slay Belle Katarina 
    Unmasked Kayle 
    Battleborn Kayle 
    Riot Kayle 
    Swamp Master Kennen 
    Karate Kennen 
    Kennen M.D. 
    Mecha Kha'Zix 
    Reindeer Kog'Maw 
    Jurassic Kog'Maw 
    Wicked LeBlanc 
    Mistletoe LeBlanc 
    Traditional Lee Sin 
    Acolyte Lee Sin 
    Dragon Fist Lee Sin 
    Muay Thai Lee Sin 
    Pool Party Lee Sin 
    SKT T1 Lee Sin 
    Iron Solari Leona 
    Bloostone Lissandra 
    Hired Gun Lucian 
    Striker Lucian 
    Bittersweet Lulu 
    Dragon Trainer Lulu 
    Winter Wonder Lulu 
    Sorceress Lux 
    Spellthief Lux 
    Imperial Lux 
    Steel Legion Lux 
    Marble Malphite 
    Glacial Malphite 
    Shadow Prince Malzahar 
    Totemic Maokai 
    Festive Maokai 
    Haunted Maokai 
    Goalkeeper Maokai 
    Chosen Master Yi 
    Waterloo Miss Fortune 
    Secret Agent Miss Fortune 
    Candy Cane Miss Fortune 
    Road Warrir Miss Fortune 
    Dragon Knight Mordekasier 
    Infernal Mordekasier 
    Blade Mistress Morgana 
    Blackthorn Morgana 
    Victorious Morgana 
    River Spirit Nami 
    Pharoah Nasus 
    Riot K-9 Nasus 
    Snow Bunny Nidalee 
    Pharoah Nidalee 
    Bewitching Nidalee 
    Headhunter Nidalee 
    Frozen Terror Nocturne 
    Void Nocturne 
    Haunting Nocturne 
    Eternum Nocturne 
    Sasquatch Nunu 
    Workshop Nunu 
    Grungy Nunu 
    TPA Nunu 
    Gothic Orianna 
    TPA Orianna 
    Full Metal Pantheon 
    Blacksmith Poppy 
    Ragdoll Poppy 
    Ninja Rammus 
    Pool Party Renekton 
    Headhunter Rengar 
    Redeemed Riven 
    Battle Bunny Riven 
    Rumble in the Jungle 
    Tribal Ryze 
    Uncle Ryze 
    Zombie Ryze 
    Dark Drystal Ryze 
    Pirate Ryze 
    Bear Cavalry Sejuani 
    Masked Shaco 
    Frozen Shen 
    Yellow Jacket Shen 
    Warlord Shen 
    TPA Shen 
    Ice Drake Shyvana 
    Championship Shyvana 
    Mad Scientist Singed 
    Augmented Singed 
    Snow Day Singed 
    Barbarian Sion 
    Lumberjack Sion 
    PAX Sivir 
    Snowstorm Sivir 
    Victorious Sivir 
    Sandscourge Skarner 
    Earthrune Skarner 
    Silent Night Sona 
    Celestine Soraka 
    Northern Frost Swain 
    Justicar Syndra 
    Atlantean Syndra 
    Renegade Talon 
    Crimson Elite Talon 
    Dragonblade Talon 
    Emerald Taric 
    Armor of the Fifth Age Taric 
    Happy Elf Teemo 
    Badger Teemo 
    Cottontail Teemo 
    Super Teemo 
    Panda Teemo 
    Deep Terror Thresh 
    Championship Thresh 
    Riot Girl Teemo 
    Earnest Elf Tristana 
    Firefighter Tristana 
    Guerilla Tristana 
    Buccaneer Tristana 
    Rocket Girl Tristana 
    Lil' Slugger Trundle 
    Highland Tryndamere 
    Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere 
    Musketeer Twisted Fate 
    Underworld Twisted Fate 
    Red Card Twisted Fate 
    Kingpin Twitch 
    Whistler Village Twitch 
    Medieval Twitch 
    Gangster Twitch 
    Vandal Twitch 
    Spirit Guard Udyr 
    Butcher Urgot 
    Arclight Varus 
    Arctic Ops Varus 
    Vindicator Vayne 
    Dragonslayer Vayne 
    SKT T1 Vayne 
    Gurling Veigar 
    Leprechaun Veigar 
    Bad Santa Veigar 
    Battlecast Vel'Koz 
    Neon Strike Vi 
    Prototype Viktor 
    Creator Viktor 
    Marquis Vladimir 
    Nosferatu Vladimir 
    Vandal Vladimir 
    Thunder Lord Volibear 
    Grey Warwick 
    Big Bad Warwick 
    Firefang Warwick 
    Volcanic Wukong 
    Jade Dragon Wukong 
    Battlecast Xerath 
    Scorched Earth Xerath 
    Commando Xin Zhao 
    Winged Hussar Xin Zhao 
    Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao 
    High Noon Yasuo 
    Undertaker Yorick 
    Pentakill Yorick 
    Special Weapon Zac 
    Shockblade Zed 
    SKT T1 Zed 
    Mad Scientist Ziggs 
    Major Ziggs 
    Pool Party Ziggs 
    Snow Day Ziggs 
    Old Saint Zilean 
    Shurima Desert Zilean 
    Wildfire Zyra 
    Haunted Zyra 
    SKT T1 Zyra

  3. I'm selling my League of Legends account with over USD$ 2,000 in skins!


    The trade will be done through playerauctions


    Here is a full list of skins: (rare skins coloured in cyan)


    Justicar Aatrox 
    Midnight Ahri 
    Foxfire Ahri 
    Stinger Akali 
    Crimson Akali 
    All-star Akali 
    Nurse Akali 
    Matador Alistar 
    Unchained Alistar 
    Sweeper Alistar 
    Vancouver Amumu 
    Re-gifted Amumu 
    Sad Robot Amumu 
    Team Spirit Anivia 
    Bird of Prey Anivia 
    Noxus Hunter Anivia 
    Blackfrost Anivia 
    Red Riding Annie 
    Annie in Wonderland 
    Prom Queen Annie 
    FrankenTibbers Annie 
    Panda Annie 
    Sherwood Forest Ashe 
    Queen Ashe 
    Goalkeeper Blitzcrank 
    Definitely Not Blitzcrank 
    Riot Blitzcrank 
    Apocalyptic Brand 
    Vandal Brand 
    Zombie Brand 
    Safari Caitlyn 
    Headhunter Caitlyn 
    Siren Cassiopeia 
    Jade Fang Cassiopeia 
    Nightmare Cho'Gath 
    Gentleman Cho'Gath 
    Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath 
    Ice Toboggan Corki 
    Urfrider Corki 
    Dragonwing Corki 
    Fnatic Corki 
    Lord Darius 
    Bioforge Darius 
    Dunkmaster Darius 
    Dark Valkyrie Diana 
    Toxic Dr. Mundo 
    Mundo Mundo 
    TPA Dr. Mundo 
    Soul Reaver Draven 
    Death Blossom Elise 
    Masquerade Evelynn 
    Tango Evelynn 
    Nottingham Ezreal 
    Striker Ezreal 
    Frosted Ezreal 
    Explorer Ezreal 
    Pulsefire Ezreal 
    TPA Ezreal 
    Debonair Ezreal 
    Spectral Fiddlesticks 
    Union Jack Fiddlesticks 
    Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks 
    Dark Candy Fiddlesticks 
    Nightraven Fiora 
    Headmistress Fiora 
    Tundra Fizz 
    Fisherman Fizz 
    Enchanted Galio 
    Spooky Gangplank 
    Minuteman Gangplank 
    Toy Solider Gangplank 
    Sultan Gangplank 
    Sanguine Garen 
    Desert Troop Garen 
    Commando Garen 
    Dreadknight Garen 
    Scuba Gragas 
    Hillbilly Gragas 
    Santa Gragas 
    Gragas, Esq. 
    Vandal Gragas 
    Superfan Gragas 
    Fnatic Gragas 
    Jailbreak Graves 
    Mafia Graves 
    Riot Graves 
    Blood Knight Hecarim 
    Headless Hecarim 
    Arcade Hecarim 
    Nightblade Irelia 
    Aviator Irelia 
    Frostblade Irelia 
    Frost Queen Janna 
    Fnatic Janna 
    Darkforde Jarvan IV 
    Fnatic Jarvan IV 
    The Mighty Jax 
    Angler Jax 
    Temple Jax 
    Nemesis Jax 
    SKT T1 Jax 
    Debonair Jayce 
    Mafia Jinx 
    Sakura Karma 
    Statue of Karthus 
    Fnatic Karthus 
    Festival Kassadin 
    Harbinger Kassadin 
    Mercenary Katarina 
    Red Card Katarina 
    Kitty Cat Katarina 
    Slay Belle Katarina 
    Unmasked Kayle 
    Battleborn Kayle 
    Riot Kayle 
    Swamp Master Kennen 
    Karate Kennen 
    Kennen M.D. 
    Mecha Kha'Zix 
    Reindeer Kog'Maw 
    Jurassic Kog'Maw 
    Wicked LeBlanc 
    Mistletoe LeBlanc 
    Traditional Lee Sin 
    Acolyte Lee Sin 
    Dragon Fist Lee Sin 
    Muay Thai Lee Sin 
    Pool Party Lee Sin 
    SKT T1 Lee Sin 
    Iron Solari Leona 
    Bloostone Lissandra 
    Hired Gun Lucian 
    Striker Lucian 
    Bittersweet Lulu 
    Dragon Trainer Lulu 
    Winter Wonder Lulu 
    Sorceress Lux 
    Spellthief Lux 
    Imperial Lux 
    Steel Legion Lux 
    Marble Malphite 
    Glacial Malphite 
    Shadow Prince Malzahar 
    Totemic Maokai 
    Festive Maokai 
    Haunted Maokai 
    Goalkeeper Maokai 
    Chosen Master Yi 
    Waterloo Miss Fortune 
    Secret Agent Miss Fortune 
    Candy Cane Miss Fortune 
    Road Warrir Miss Fortune 
    Dragon Knight Mordekasier 
    Infernal Mordekasier 
    Blade Mistress Morgana 
    Blackthorn Morgana 
    Victorious Morgana 
    River Spirit Nami 
    Pharoah Nasus 
    Riot K-9 Nasus 
    Snow Bunny Nidalee 
    Pharoah Nidalee 
    Bewitching Nidalee 
    Headhunter Nidalee 
    Frozen Terror Nocturne 
    Void Nocturne 
    Haunting Nocturne 
    Eternum Nocturne 
    Sasquatch Nunu 
    Workshop Nunu 
    Grungy Nunu 
    TPA Nunu 
    Gothic Orianna 
    TPA Orianna 
    Full Metal Pantheon 
    Blacksmith Poppy 
    Ragdoll Poppy 
    Ninja Rammus 
    Pool Party Renekton 
    Headhunter Rengar 
    Redeemed Riven 
    Battle Bunny Riven 
    Rumble in the Jungle 
    Tribal Ryze 
    Uncle Ryze 
    Zombie Ryze 
    Dark Drystal Ryze 
    Pirate Ryze 
    Bear Cavalry Sejuani 
    Masked Shaco 
    Frozen Shen 
    Yellow Jacket Shen 
    Warlord Shen 
    TPA Shen 
    Ice Drake Shyvana 
    Championship Shyvana 
    Mad Scientist Singed 
    Augmented Singed 
    Snow Day Singed 
    Barbarian Sion 
    Lumberjack Sion 
    PAX Sivir 
    Snowstorm Sivir 
    Victorious Sivir 
    Sandscourge Skarner 
    Earthrune Skarner 
    Silent Night Sona 
    Celestine Soraka 
    Northern Frost Swain 
    Justicar Syndra 
    Atlantean Syndra 
    Renegade Talon 
    Crimson Elite Talon 
    Dragonblade Talon 
    Emerald Taric 
    Armor of the Fifth Age Taric 
    Happy Elf Teemo 
    Badger Teemo 
    Cottontail Teemo 
    Super Teemo 
    Panda Teemo 
    Deep Terror Thresh 
    Championship Thresh 
    Riot Girl Teemo 
    Earnest Elf Tristana 
    Firefighter Tristana 
    Guerilla Tristana 
    Buccaneer Tristana 
    Rocket Girl Tristana 
    Lil' Slugger Trundle 
    Highland Tryndamere 
    Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere 
    Musketeer Twisted Fate 
    Underworld Twisted Fate 
    Red Card Twisted Fate 
    Kingpin Twitch 
    Whistler Village Twitch 
    Medieval Twitch 
    Gangster Twitch 
    Vandal Twitch 
    Spirit Guard Udyr 
    Butcher Urgot 
    Arclight Varus 
    Arctic Ops Varus 
    Vindicator Vayne 
    Dragonslayer Vayne 
    SKT T1 Vayne 
    Gurling Veigar 
    Leprechaun Veigar 
    Bad Santa Veigar 
    Battlecast Vel'Koz 
    Neon Strike Vi 
    Prototype Viktor 
    Creator Viktor 
    Marquis Vladimir 
    Nosferatu Vladimir 
    Vandal Vladimir 
    Thunder Lord Volibear 
    Grey Warwick 
    Big Bad Warwick 
    Firefang Warwick 
    Volcanic Wukong 
    Jade Dragon Wukong 
    Battlecast Xerath 
    Scorched Earth Xerath 
    Commando Xin Zhao 
    Winged Hussar Xin Zhao 
    Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao 
    High Noon Yasuo 
    Undertaker Yorick 
    Pentakill Yorick 
    Special Weapon Zac 
    Shockblade Zed 
    SKT T1 Zed 
    Mad Scientist Ziggs 
    Major Ziggs 
    Pool Party Ziggs 
    Snow Day Ziggs 
    Old Saint Zilean 
    Shurima Desert Zilean 
    Wildfire Zyra 
    Haunted Zyra 
    SKT T1 Zyra

  4. Hmm I see, if anyone is interested in help with some paid web development then add my Skype.


    rigged php betting and im sure every betting site has provably fair dicing? so thats probably buy-able or open source



    It's a btc betting script with btc name changed to rsgp.


  5. Hey there,


    I was just wondering if someone could provide me with some details regarding the creation of a Runescape gambling site like RuneBet. I would love to hear from some of the top web developers on OSBot as I would potentially be looking to pay for the creation of a website similar to RuneBet. 




    I`ll make this thread look good tomorrow im going to bed after this.


    Im making a couple of accounts but im going to get the first one to 70/70/70 before I start the next account.


    Account 1


    Attack: 50

    Strength: 50

    Defence: 64


    I will be releasing a guide on how I train my accounts to 70/70/70 , its pretty obvious what I do once I hit 70.



    Hahahhahahhaha, I know exactly what you are going to do with your maxed melee account, pity your not as good as me



  7. I need a program that can change how my voice sounds, nothing like super stupid like baby voices or anything but just a change so that people won't be able to recognize my voice. I have clownfish but that only works on Skype, I need one that changes my voice no matter how i record it, thanks!

  8. Twitch Views, Chatters and Followers!



    If you are after active viewers who also send specified messages then here are the plans on offer. The messages that these viewers are to send can be completely customized to your liking. Upon purchasing, simply send me a notepad file with a list of messages for the viewers to say (leave a line break between messages) and the viewers will send those messages in a random order to your stream, you can also choose how frequently messages are to be sent! I will explain more upon purchasing this.


    Package 1:

    - 300 viewers and active chatters



    Price: 1.9m (07) per hour




    Package 2:

    - 200 viewers and active chatters



    Price: 1.3m (07) per hour




    Package 3:

    - 100 viewers and active chatters



    Price: 900k (07) per hour



    Non-Chatters packages (if you would just like viewers and no chatters)



    Package 4:

    - 300 viewers



    Price: 1.3m (07) per hour




    Package 5:

    - 200 viewers 



    Price: 900k (07) per hour




    Package 6:

    - 100 viewers 



    Price: 500k (07) per hour






    Just want followers?


    Package 7:

    200 followers for 2m 07





    Terms of Service

    - I will not be responsible for ANY bans that occur as a result of my viewbot/chatbot/followerbot

    - I will not refund any purchases

    - I am able to decline any offer if I do not wish to offer my service to you

    - You must leave me a feedback at the completion of the service

    - After the viewbot/chatbot/followerbot timeframe begins, you cannot take any breaks in my service, meaning that if you request an hour of viewers, you will get exactly one hour with no breaks.

    - By ordering my service you agree and have read these Terms of Service




    Order form:


    I am interested in package number: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

    I agree to you Terms of Service: yes/no

    I have added your Skype: yes/no

    I have private messaged you: yes/no

    My Skype name is: your Skype name




    Contacting Me


    My Skype username is: ospipidaga


    I do have imposters so watch out!

  9. I am here today selling my main account. This account only contains RS07 stats and is an account that I have played on legitimately since the release of 07scape. There isn't really a great deal for me to say as the images bellow accurately portray just how good this account is. If you do however have any questions, then please feel free to ask me either through PM or in the comment section bellow. Thanks everyone, happy trading! 



      1. Pictures of the account stats




        2. Pictures of the login details





        3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)







    Here is the rest (there is also a very large tab full of treasure trial items which are pretty good!)







        4. Pictures of the quests completed




        5. The price you will be starting bids at




        6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account




        7. The methods of payment you are accepting


    07 Gold OR RS3 Gold


        8. Your trading conditions


    • We will be using a verified middleman for all trades, unless I deem you trustworthy
    • The payment must be made in either 07 gold or RS3 gold
    • After you have confirmed that you have received the account information and are comfortable and happy with the information, the account no longer belongs to me and thus, any mutes/bans/infractions that are to occur on the account will not be my responsibilty.
    • By negotiating with me you agree to these T.O.S



        9. Account status


    Account has NEVER been botted on




       10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address


    Yes it will be provided, with access to the email account

  10. @ Oliver

    The account had all of the associated stats which are required to achieve the lunar diplomacy quest and all of its pre quests. The account also had combat stats at around70/70/70.

    The bank wasn't too great other than the clay that I lost.

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