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  1. I have downloaded the latest version of jagex launcher and osbot. Everytime I click to patch it says it cant patch. Ill try and explain without pictures. 1. I open OSBot and click game client patcher 2. When I get to the next part it says Path to OSBot jar: ( In which something automatically pops up, Im assuming where osbot is located on my mac). 3. I leave Custom CLI arguments un checked. 4. Where it says game client to patch I have it set on Runelite, but directly underneath where it says Runelite it has another long URL link and under that it is where I can click Patch game client. 5. I then click Patch game client (While the URL link directly under Runelite is still there) and it says failed to patch. 6. I try again but this time deleting the URL link directly under Runelite and click Patch game client and it says that Runelite has successfully been patched to OSBot. YEYYY!!! NOPE!!!! 7. After is says successfully patched I close that out and go to my Jagex Luancher 8. I make sure the thing is set to runlite and I log on, BBUTTT it still opens up the actual Runelite app. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
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