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package main; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; @ScriptManifest(author = "Famers", info = "Ardougne Agility Course", name ="Ardougne Agility", version = 1.0, logo = "") public class ArdyAgility extends Script { private enum State { WaitStart, Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6, Part7, } private static int PART_1 = 15608; // Wooden Beams private static int PART_2 = 15609; // Gap private static int PART_3 = 26635; // Plank private static int PART_4 = 15610; // Gap private static int PART_5 = 15611; // Gap private static int PART_6 = 28912; // Steep Roof private static int PART_7 = 15612; // Gap private static Position PART_1_POS = new Position(2671, 3299, 3); private static Position PART_2_POS = new Position(2665, 3318, 3); private static Position PART_3_POS = new Position(2656, 3318, 3); private static Position PART_4_POS = new Position(2653, 3314, 3); private static Position PART_5_POS = new Position(2651, 3309, 3); private static Position PART_6_POS = new Position(2656, 3297, 3); private static int MARK_OF_GRACE = 11849; private State state; private int hourExp, totalExp; public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { experienceTracker.start(Skill.AGILITY); state = State.WaitStart; while (myPosition().getZ() != 0) { sleep(1000); } state = State.Part1; } public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { g.setFont(new Font("Consolas", Font.PLAIN, 12)); g.drawString("State: " + state, 10, 290); totalExp = experienceTracker.getGainedXP(Skill.AGILITY); hourExp = experienceTracker.getGainedXPPerHour(Skill.AGILITY); g.drawString("Agility Exp Gained: " + totalExp + " (" + NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(hourExp) + "xp/h)", 10, 320); } private int attempts = 0; @Override public int onLoop() { Position self = myPosition(); if (self.getZ() == 0 && state != State.Part1) { state = State.Part1; return random(300, 400); } switch (state) { case Part1: if (positionEquals(self, PART_1_POS)) { state = State.Part2; } if (self.getZ() == 0 || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_1).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(5000, 5500); } break; case Part2: if (positionEquals(self, PART_2_POS)) { state = State.Part3; } if (positionEquals(self, PART_1_POS) || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_2).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(1200, 1500); } break; case Part3: if (positionEquals(self, PART_3_POS)) { state = State.Part4; } if (positionEquals(self, PART_2_POS) || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_3).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(1200, 1500); } break; case Part4: java.util.List<GroundItem> groundItems = getGroundItems() .filter(groundItem -> groundItem.getId() == MARK_OF_GRACE); int itemCount = groundItems.stream() .map(item -> item.getAmount()) .reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b); if (itemCount >= 5) { for (GroundItem item : groundItems) { item.interact(); } } if (positionEquals(self, PART_4_POS)) { state = State.Part5; } if (positionEquals(self, PART_3_POS) || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_4).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(1200, 1500); } break; case Part5: if (positionEquals(self, PART_5_POS)) { state = State.Part6; } if (positionEquals(self, PART_4_POS) || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_5).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(1200, 1500); } break; case Part6: if (positionEquals(self, PART_6_POS)) { state = State.Part7; } if (positionEquals(self, PART_5_POS) || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_6).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(1200, 1500); } break; case Part7: if (positionEquals(self, PART_6_POS) || attempts > 10) { objects.closest(PART_7).interact(); attempts = 0; return random(1200, 1500); } break; } attempts++; return random(600, 700); } private static boolean positionEquals(Position a, Position b) { return a.getX() == b.getX() && a.getY() == b.getY() && a.getZ() == b.getZ(); } } Very simple but it worked. Note I only used it after 96 agility so idk if it recovers after failing. (~57k/hr if you position camera such that it doesn't need to reposition)
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I updated this script to stop wasting logs: package main; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import util.MouseCursor; import util.MouseTrail; @ScriptManifest(author = "A&K", info = "Most up to date firemaking bot. Supporting Multiple locations", name = "ez main.Firemaker", version = 1.1, logo = "https://i.imgur.com/9nUfZKI.png") public class Firemaker extends Script { String pLog; // PAINT + main.GUI private MouseTrail trail = new MouseTrail(0, 255, 255, 2000, this); private MouseCursor cursor = new MouseCursor(25, 3, Color.ORANGE, this); private int beginningXP; private int currentXp; private int xpGained; private long XpHourly; private long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private GUI gui = new GUI(); private LOGLIST loglist; private AREALIST arealist; // items int TINDERBOX = 590; // LOGS int selectedLog; int Normal_Logs = 1511; int Oak_Logs = 1521; int WILLOW_LOGS = 1519; int TEAK_LOGS = 6333; int MAPLE_LOGS = 1517; int YEW_LOGS = 1515; int MAGIC_LOGS = 1513; int REDWOOD_LOGS = 19669; // XAREA Area PORTPHASMATYS_XAREA = new Area(3699, 3475, 3663, 3472);// phasmatys accepted area Area EDGEVILLE_XAREA = new Area(3111, 3505, 3074, 3500);// edge xarea Area FALADOR_XAREA = new Area(3032, 3366, 2997, 3359);// falador accepted area Area SEERS_XAREA = new Area(2733, 3484, 2706, 3486);// seers accepted area Area GE_XAREA = new Area(3146, 3506, 3193, 3473);// ge xarea Area VARROCKEAST_XAREA = new Area(3290, 3430, 3240, 3428);// east varrock x area Area VARROCKWEST_XAREA = new Area(3173, 3432, 3209, 3428);// west varrock xarea // BANKS Area GE_BANK = new Area(3160, 3494, 3169, 3485);// ge bank Area VARROCKWEST_BANK = new Area(3180, 3447, 3185, 3433);// Area VARROCKEAST_BANK = new Area(3252, 3423, 3254, 3420); // east varrock bank Area SEERS_BANK = new Area(2730, 3493, 2721, 3490);// seers bank Area FALADOR_EASTBANK = new Area(3009, 3358, 3018, 3355);// // falador east bank Area DRAYNOR_BANK = new Area(3091, 3246, 3096, 3240);// draynor bank area Area EDGEVILLE_BANK = new Area(3098, 3499, 3091, 3488);// edgeville bank Area PORTPHASMATYS_BANK = new Area(3691, 3471, 3686, 3461);// port phasmatys bank area // FMing START AREAS Area[] FALADOREAST_STARTAREA = { new Area(3032, 3359, 3031, 3359), new Area(3032, 3360, 3031, 3360), new Area(3032, 3361, 3031, 3361), new Area(3032, 3362, 3031, 3362), new Area(3030, 3362, 3030, 3361), new Area(3030, 3360, 3030, 3359), };// falador start area Area SEERS_STARTAREA[] = { new Area(2734, 3486, 2733, 3486), new Area(2733, 3485, 2732, 3485), new Area(2732, 3486, 2731, 3486), new Area(2733, 3484, 2730, 3484), new Area(2731, 3485, 2730, 3485), new Area(2730, 3486, 2730, 3486), };// seers start area// seers start area Area VARROCKWEST_STARTAREA[] = { new Area(3208, 3429, 3207, 3429), new Area(3208, 3430, 3207, 3430), new Area(3208, 3428, 3207, 3428), new Area(3200, 3431, 3199, 3431), new Area(3200, 3432, 3199, 3432), };// west Area VARROCKEAST_STARTAREA[] = { new Area(3281, 3429, 3282, 3429), new Area(3281, 3428, 3282, 3428), new Area(3285, 3429, 3285, 3428), new Area(3286, 3428, 3286, 3429), new Area(3284, 3428, 3284, 3429), new Area(3283, 3428, 3283, 3429), };// varrock-east star Area[] DRAYNOR_STARTAREA = { new Area(3105, 3250, 3103, 3250), new Area(3097, 3249, 3096, 3249), new Area(3097, 3248, 3096, 3248), new Area(3097, 3247, 3096, 3247), new Area(3097, 3250, 3096, 3250), new Area(3095, 3250, 3095, 3247), };// draynor start area Area[] GE_STARTAREA = { new Area(3181, 3506, 3178, 3504), new Area(3181, 3503, 3178, 3501), new Area(3180, 3496, 3176, 3497), new Area(3188, 3491, 3195, 3488), new Area(3174, 3483, 3180, 3482), new Area(3177, 3475, 3171, 3477), };// ge fm start area Area[] EDGEVILLE_STARTAREA = { new Area(3122, 3508, 3119, 3508), new Area(3116, 3507, 3112, 3507), new Area(3111, 3505, 3107, 3505), new Area(3106, 3504, 3104, 3504), new Area(3112, 3502, 3109, 3502), new Area(3106, 3503, 3104, 3503), };// edgeville fm start area Area[] PORTPHASMATYS_STARTAREA = { new Area(3701, 3472, 3700, 3472), new Area(3701, 3473, 3700, 3473), new Area(3701, 3474, 3700, 3474), new Area(3701, 3475, 3700, 3475), };// phasmatys fm area start phasmatys fm area start public void bank() throws InterruptedException { if (!getBankArea().contains(myPlayer())) { pLog = "Walking to start area."; walkToBankArea(); } if (getBankArea().contains(myPlayer()) && !checkTinderbox()) { pLog = "Withdrawing tinderbox & logs"; getBank().open(); sleep(random(800, 1600)); getBank().withdraw(TINDERBOX, 1); sleep(random(800, 1600)); withdrawLogs(); } else if (checkTinderbox() && getBankArea().contains(myPlayer())) { pLog = "Withdrawing logs"; withdrawLogs(); } getBank().close(); } public void checkInventory() throws InterruptedException { if (!getInventory().onlyContains(getLogs(), TINDERBOX)) { pLog = "Banking wrong items..."; walkToBankArea(); getBank().open(); sleep(random(1000, 2000)); getBank().depositAllExcept(TINDERBOX, getLogs()); } } public void walkToBankArea() { if ((!getInventory().contains(TINDERBOX) && !getInventory().contains(getLogs()) || (!getInventory().contains(getLogs()) && !myPlayer().isAnimating()))) { pLog = "Walking to " + arealist.toString(); getWalking().webWalk(getBankArea()); } } public void walkToFMArea() { if (checkTinderbox() && getInventory().contains(getLogs())) { pLog = "Walking to a random tile"; getWalking().webWalk(getFMArea()); } } public boolean checkTinderbox() { return getInventory().contains(TINDERBOX, 1); } public void withdrawLogs() throws InterruptedException { if (!getInventory().contains(getLogs()) && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { if (getBankArea().contains(myPlayer())) { getBank().open(); sleep(random(800, 1600)); pLog = "Withdrawing logs..."; getBank().withdrawAll(getLogs()); sleep(random(800, 1600)); } if (!getBank().contains(getLogs())) { log("No logs left. Stopping script."); stop(); } } } private long waitTimeout = 3000; public void firemaking() throws InterruptedException { // Checks to see if player is in the firemaking area and has a tinderbox and // logs if (getInventory().contains(TINDERBOX, 1) && (getInventory().contains(getLogs()) && xArea().contains(myPosition()))) { while (spotTaken()) { pLog = "Changing spot..."; walkToFMArea(); } pLog = "Using tinderbox.."; getInventory().interact("Use", TINDERBOX); getInventory().interact("Use", getLogs()); Position startPosition = myPosition(); pLog = "Making fire @ " + startPosition; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); do { sleep(200); Position newPosition = myPosition(); if (startPosition.getX() != newPosition.getX() || startPosition.getY() != newPosition.getY()) { break; } } while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < waitTimeout); // check if the inventory contains logs / walks to fm area } else if (getInventory().contains(getLogs())) { pLog = "Walking to " + getFMArea(); walkToFMArea(); } } public boolean spotTaken() { for (RS2Object o : objects.getAll()) { if (o.getName().equals("Fire") || o.getName().equals("Daisies")) { if (o.getPosition().getX() == myPlayer().getX() && o.getPosition().getY() == myPlayer().getY()) { pLog = "Found: " + o.getName() + "! Moving to new tile.."; return true; } } } return false; } public Area xArea() { if (arealist.toString().equals("east_varrock")) { return VARROCKEAST_XAREA; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("west_varrock")) { return VARROCKWEST_XAREA; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("edgeville")) { return EDGEVILLE_XAREA; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("grand_exchange")) { return GE_XAREA; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("seers")) { return SEERS_XAREA; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("falador")) { return FALADOR_XAREA; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("port_phasmatys")) return PORTPHASMATYS_XAREA; return null; } public Area getBankArea() { if (arealist.toString().equals("east_varrock")) { return VARROCKEAST_BANK; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("west_varrock")) { return VARROCKWEST_BANK; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("edgeville")) { return EDGEVILLE_BANK; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("grand_exchange")) { return GE_BANK; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("seers")) { return SEERS_BANK; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("falador")) { return FALADOR_EASTBANK; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("port_phasmatys")) return PORTPHASMATYS_BANK; return null; } public Area getFMArea() { if (arealist.toString().equals("east_varrock")) { return VARROCKEAST_STARTAREA[random(0, 5)]; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("west_varrock")) { return VARROCKWEST_STARTAREA[random(0, 4)]; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("edgeville")) { return EDGEVILLE_STARTAREA[random(0, 5)]; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("grand_exchange")) { return GE_STARTAREA[random(0, 5)]; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("seers")) { return SEERS_STARTAREA[random(0, 5)]; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("falador")) { return FALADOREAST_STARTAREA[random(0, 5)]; } else if (arealist.toString().equals("port_phasmatys")) { return PORTPHASMATYS_STARTAREA[random(0, 3)]; } return null; } public int getLogs() { if (loglist.toString().equals("logs")) { return Normal_Logs; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("oak_logs")) { return Oak_Logs; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("willow_logs")) { return WILLOW_LOGS; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("teak_logs")) { return TEAK_LOGS; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("maple_logs")) { return MAPLE_LOGS; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("yew_logs")) { return YEW_LOGS; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("magic_logs")) { return MAGIC_LOGS; } else if (loglist.toString().equals("redwood_logs")) { return REDWOOD_LOGS; } return 0; } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { checkInventory(); walkToBankArea(); withdrawLogs(); firemaking(); return random(100, 150); } @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { beginningXP = skills.getExperience(Skill.FIREMAKING); pLog = "Starting up..."; log("ez main.Firemaker starting."); gui = new GUI(); gui.open(); }); } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); stop(); return; } if (!gui.isStarted()) { stop(); return; } loglist = gui.getSelectedlog(); arealist = gui.getSelectedBank(); checkInventory(); bank(); } @Override public void onExit() { log("Thanks for using eZ main.Firemaker!"); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { trail.paint(g); cursor.paint(g); currentXp = skills.getExperience(Skill.FIREMAKING); xpGained = currentXp - beginningXP; XpHourly = (int) (xpGained / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 3600000.0D)); g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); g.drawString("eZ main.Firemaker", 8, 255); g.drawString("Run time: " + String.valueOf(formatTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)), 8, 275); g.drawString("Firemaking xp gained: " + xpGained, 8, 295); g.drawString("Firemaking xp p/h : " + XpHourly, 8, 315); g.drawString("Status: " + pLog, 8, 335); final Color BlockName = new Color(208, 188, 149); Graphics2D gr = g; gr.setColor(BlockName); gr.fillRect(7, 460, 100, 14); } private String formatTime(final long ms) { long s = ms / 1000, m = s / 60, h = m / 60; s %= 60; m %= 60; h %= 24; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); } }