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  1. Is there any workaround to make automated muling script in script factory? For example if account 1 gets x amount of items it will then send a signal to mule to login. Therefore mule will login and trade account 1 and log out. Same goes for account 2, 3 4 etc. Is this possible? Thank you!
  2. I see how this works now. Is there any way to extract the config value itself of the cook's assistant which is 29 in this case. Not the decimal value
  3. Hey, So i'm trying to make a questing bot and came across a problem where i can't seem to find a solution. I want to know if it's possible to let the bot know if a certain quest is started or completed. First i tried to check if a widget color was red, yellow or green using hex color code without success. Then, I came across in configs and to be honest. Even after researching i still don't know how to use it. Now, i saw on some old post that cook's assistants config value was 29 and if that decimal value is 0, 1 or 2 it tells the quest state which i confirmed. The question is, how do you get the config value in osbot? The second thing is. When i open osbots configs and config debugger it gives me this screen How do i read these or use it to my advantage? Thank you!
  4. This is based of my own experience. So far i've had more luck using stealth injection compared to mirror by 400% difference, i could be doing something wrong but who am i to ask for help Also stealth injection is more convenient to set up using CLIs if you got decent farms going. What i've understood by reading posts and googling is stealth mode injects itself into the client where it can read certain data coming in and through. Which is more detectable if jagex flags your account. Compared to mirror where you have your clients separated where osbot reads data in it's own client and clicks on the other. Correct me if i'm wrong.
  5. I'm aware that it's for rs3 worlds. That was for demostration, my bad
  6. Hey, so i ran into an problem trying to launch osrs client in a specific world. The question is, Is it possible to launch osrs in a specific world using mirror mode? So far it is possible to do so using stealth mode. I've created multiple .bat files to open osbot in separate clients using mirror mode which are in separate batch files Then i have a single .bat file to open all osbot clients and osrs clients Osbot launch file -'bot1.bat': .bat file to open osbot & osrs clients Is there a way to open osrs client in a specific world in a line? For an example start C:\Users\Asd\jagexcache\jagexlauncher\bin\JagexLauncher.exe oldschool -world 51 Doesn't work Thanks!
  7. I managed to fix it after few hours. Turns out my dumbass wasn't aware that jdk and jre were two different things "lol". i just uninstalled jdk 18.* and replaced it with jdk 8.
  8. I did. Even a different version from java
  9. Hello. I've been trying to get this jar open with no hope. So far i've tried to reinstall java, johanns jarfix.exe and also did the following under osbot.org/forum/java/ Yet after all of the effort it gives me this when trying to open osbot jar file
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