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Posts posted by corkiedorkie63

  1. 18 hours ago, Czar said:

    Done glgl enjoy <3 If using abyss please avoid this setting [Bring food on trip] for a few hours, we are waiting for a new update to release 🙏 

    hi czar hope all is well, quick question! does this bot support rcing wrath runes and if not could it be possible to add?

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Czar said:

    No problem @corkiedorkie63 no need to show logs it's all good, I made some improvements <3 

    New Update (v9.0)

    - Added new setting: Hide roofs, zoom out camera
    - Added new setting: avoid minimap walk (antiban), mousewheel camera (antiban)
    - Added new setting: open intricate pouches
    - Added new setting: quicker mouse (antiban)
    - Fixed first time casting of NPC Contact
    - Improved the state decision system, some bots will work better
    - Improved performance and memory usage, no longer checks interfaces as frequently

    Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, enjoy gl guys! <3 

    Small proggy, just setup 3 more accs this is one of them using heavy breaks:


    I don’t know what you did but i got it working on the third account now. Your amazing bro thank you.

    7 hours ago, Czar said:

    No problem @corkiedorkie63 no need to show logs it's all good, I made some improvements <3 

    New Update (v9.0)

    - Added new setting: Hide roofs, zoom out camera
    - Added new setting: avoid minimap walk (antiban), mousewheel camera (antiban)
    - Added new setting: open intricate pouches
    - Added new setting: quicker mouse (antiban)
    - Fixed first time casting of NPC Contact
    - Improved the state decision system, some bots will work better
    - Improved performance and memory usage, no longer checks interfaces as frequently

    Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, enjoy gl guys! <3 

    Small proggy, just setup 3 more accs this is one of them using heavy breaks:


    I don’t know what you did but i got it working on the third account now. Your amazing bro thank you.

    7 hours ago, Czar said:

    No problem @corkiedorkie63 no need to show logs it's all good, I made some improvements <3 

    New Update (v9.0)

    - Added new setting: Hide roofs, zoom out camera
    - Added new setting: avoid minimap walk (antiban), mousewheel camera (antiban)
    - Added new setting: open intricate pouches
    - Added new setting: quicker mouse (antiban)
    - Fixed first time casting of NPC Contact
    - Improved the state decision system, some bots will work better
    - Improved performance and memory usage, no longer checks interfaces as frequently

    Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, enjoy gl guys! <3 

    Small proggy, just setup 3 more accs this is one of them using heavy breaks:


    I don’t know what you did but i got it working on the third account now. Your amazing bro thank you.

    • Heart 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Czar said:

    No problem @corkiedorkie63 no need to show logs it's all good, I made some improvements <3 

    New Update (v9.0)

    - Added new setting: Hide roofs, zoom out camera
    - Added new setting: avoid minimap walk (antiban), mousewheel camera (antiban)
    - Added new setting: open intricate pouches
    - Added new setting: quicker mouse (antiban)
    - Fixed first time casting of NPC Contact
    - Improved the state decision system, some bots will work better
    - Improved performance and memory usage, no longer checks interfaces as frequently

    Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, enjoy gl guys! <3 

    Small proggy, just setup 3 more accs this is one of them using heavy breaks:


    Excited to get home later :)

    • Heart 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, Czar said:

    Sounds good :D Looks good so far I would just hide xp drops and this is what I meant by tabs sorry: 


    ^ It should only show 1 bot per client (not 2 like above), anything more than 1 is not good. But it seems you did it correctly. Either way, I will make some more improvements so it works for every setup <3 

    Oh yes I run three diff mirror clients through sandbox 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Czar said:

    Hey mate you got teamviewer I would love to help you, or if you could copy paste the logs here I can read them and figure out the problem ^^ :D 

    EDIT: Can you confirm if resolution is set to fixed/classic btw? And if xp drops are set to hidden? And another thing, the best way to run osbot is 1 tab per client, if we run multiple tabs per client it can cause problems sometimes


    Also guys pat just released a new client build (v2.6.0) please update your clients, rs did an update today.

    It is fixed, exp we’re not set to hidden. When I get home I’ll try it again and send a picture of the logs if the problem persists. I mirror three diff clients I’m not sure what you mean by one tab a little confused on that.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi czar I love this script but I’m having a little issue, I have two accounts running flawlessly, but the third one I’m trying to run just passes the barrier and sits there. If I try to start the script inside the mini game it just mines and then goes to the work bench fills up inventory and sits there. Then the logger tells me to contact you.

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