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Posts posted by scottgreen

  1. 1 hour ago, Khaleesi said:

    Rotating camera is very bad antiban if you ask me, you should prefer being more idle compared to doing pointless actions. (Just my opninion :))
    Maybe if you can move it with the mouse instead of the arrow keys it might be usefull

    This is how I used to do it in the past if you still wanna do it anyway 😉
    Well either you can rotate completely random:

    getCamera().moveYaw(Utils.randInt(0, 359));

    or based around your current angle:

    getCamera().moveYaw((getCamera().getYawAngle() + Utils.randInt(-90, 90)) % 360);

    The Utils.randInt() is just a random number generator between 2 values incase you were wondering

    I won't be using it too much, it just looks a bit botty running the script for a while & my screen hasn't moved at all haha

    What would be the best way to call it? This is what I'm working with right now.



  2. Making a fishing script & wondering what the best implementation is with regards to making the script randomly turn the camera around every so often for antiban.

    Right now I'm randomly generating a number, and if its greater than a certain number it will run a function which pulls a random degree (0-360) and inputs it, but I feel like there's a better way to do this.

  3. Essentially I've lost access to my main OSBot account that I made back in 2015, which has a bunch of paid scripts & feedback on it. I moved houses and threw away my old computer which had all the logins - I'm also unsure about the email attached to the account.

    I still have access to my PayPal, which has receipts for all the transactions I did on here. What's the best way to approach this?

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