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Posts posted by CIeetZ

  1. people will lie and say its this and that. really its just algorithms. youre using scripts that the owner already botted tf out it to the point where he was getting banned fast cause jagex has all his bots data in their algorithms. so he decided to sell it to make extra money. same thing all script makers do. why would they sell an amazing script when they could just run their own farm of 200 bots using it and make a thousand dollars a day from gold. because its not viable to use anymore

    • Like 1
  2. hey bro. just wanted to report that ( i dunno how tf it managed ) but the bot did enter the building which has the ladder attached on relleka rooftop course, to begin the course, and the hut door closed behind the player, then the player kept trying to climb the ladder through the closed off building. good thing I caught it in time after only 10 or so tries. _peace

  3. hey bro. just wanted to report that in pollnivneach or w.e , if the curtain closes ( the door that separates rooms ) the bot cant reach the obstacle and it just tries repeatedly to. I think it was like half way through the course, You could probably repeat the instance by closing the curtains and clicking pause throughout the course.

    • Heart 1
  4. Hey Bro. Love the script as usual, just wanted to report that it still gets stuck when it misclicks the ladder and goes up stairs at varrock and I believe it also happened to me in falador.

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  5. Hey Czar I was wondering if I could drop a request on the Fighter Script. Here's what I would love for it to do, a list of the options I choose when running it, what it does and what it doesnt do.

    Run Location : Lighthouse Basement North of Barbarian Outpost on Dagganoths 

    Settings : Loot items over 5k ( works great ) Set up Cannon (Works great) , Use Quick Prayers ( Turns them off when banking but doesnt turn on when returning ) , Sip Super Defense Pot within 5 range + Sip Prayer Potion when at 30 (of 52) prayer (works great) . Banking When No Food > Teleport tab to varrock > Bank at west bank > Return via House Teleport (outside house) ((which is rellekka)) , Eat to full when banking ( works great , also sips prayer pots at bank no problem ) . Loving the new stamina function btw .

    Things that run properly : If I manually jump over the basalt rocks, then click play, the script will take over from there. After it gets over the rocks ( After manually games necklace teleporting to Barbarian Outpost, and jumping over the rocks to the north ) it will walk over, walk into the lighthouse, go downstairs, set up cannon, start training.

    Things that dont run : Once it tele tabs to varrock it will go to west bank, as I set it to, but has a problem withdrawing the 10k cannonballs. Instead it withdraws all the cannonballs sometimes and then doesnt know what to do so freezes . It seems to bypass getting stuck here if I just have over 10k cannonballs in my inventory as I click play on the script, which I guess is no problem doesnt make a big difference I can just carry all my cannonballs before i start the script.  sips a super defense pot at bank which we've covered in previous convos (not really a big deal if this didnt get changed, hardly makes a difference). After it has Everything I set it to withdraw  ( Cannon base , barrel , furnace , stand , 7 manta rays , 10k cannonballs , 10 prayer potions , games necklace (8) , Varrock Teleport Tabs , House Teleport Tabs, 2 super def pots , Stamina potion - it typically does successfully exit the bank and teleport to the next location, which is either 1. Barbarian Outpost through games necklace or 2. House teleport Tablet (to outside of house) . However neither of those locations progresses after teleporting. It wont scale the basalt rocks, and wont travel to lighthouse from the rellekka house teleport spot. It will however, once I manually get within range of the lighthouse, enter the lighthouse, go down, set cannon back up & start training. However it looks like it attempts to turn quick prayer on, but only hovers over it and doesnt actually turn it on. I think a good function would be once its reaches within 20 spaces of the cannons highlighted setup location, it turns on quick prayers, then goes and sets up the cannon. I figure it'd be harder to code jumping the basalt rocks, plus sometimes you take a bunch of damage failing, so I'd definitely settle for the pathing from outside the relleka house portal over to lighthouse. Just gotta jump that one bridge on the way and other than that its just a normal walking path. Thanks alot for all the support lately, You definitely do the most for the community. Cheers bud

    • Like 1
  6. ayy lets go my boy. I just looked over my ahk script and found out that was actually the cause of the script stopping, I made a mistake on this one part that caused the bot to stop, but glad You had a chance to inspect the cannon function in that location anyways, as its a really cool feature on the script and it never hurts to refine it some more 8D . I was wondering what would happen if the player received a loot that was on that little island by the ogres, how would the bot respond to not being able to reach it?. Anyways Cheers bro nice work

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  7. Hmm Even with the banking options off it still happened. Ya the grey tile lit up Im pretty sure. I did set it to loot the seeds from the ogres. Also I had the cannon in the little gap to the north a little which gives more xp . Where theres a break in the wall north of where ur at, You can fit it in there. I'll probly try it again here and see how it goes. Not the biggest need to bank really since its safe spottable and u take minimal damage, but I'll try it again here and get back to you.

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  8. Hey Boss. Would You mind setting a test cannon up east of castle wars arena at ogres? I tried running cannon mode there a couple times and it doesnt wanna run long at all. Seems like maybe once the cannon breaks so does the script. Would love to be able to pound out some range levels there and would probly be the easier area to work on as far as cannoning goes. Thanks for Your time.

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  9. Well it seems fine to me that it just keeps walking and ignores other enemies on the way to the flesh crawlers. Once the stamina is implemented minimal damage will be taken as it'll just run past stronger enemies on the way to the training zone. One more bug to report, I set it to withdraw two super combat pots, and 26 manta rays. After banking, it leaves the bank, sips a super combat, deposits it, then goes back to the training spot with 1 super combat and the food. You can almost certainly reproduce this result by starting the bot at edge bank and letting it withdraw the items itself. Anyway, look forward to seeing it improve. Your the goat as usual.

    • Heart 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Czar said:

    I will take a look ASAP and make sure it works better. My guess is that the bot couldn't walk to your chosen AFK tile, I usually set my afk tile south near the doors (and fight area to north-west), do you remember where you set your afk tile? If not dw. Do you also remember if you had Auto Retaliate enabled? Btw don't worry I don't believe your account will be banned for something like this. I just saw that a couple other people got banned in other clients I won't mention the names publicly.


    After testing at flesh crawlers, I found some things which needed updating, will be working a lot better in v298.0 today <3 

    Also guys yesterday's update v297.0 is officially live, gl :D It also includes quickprayer updated, staminas while walking, added some new maps, improved cannon functionality and aio fight walking system (kalphite caves too), rope + shantay pass added. 

    ayy thats whats up bro good job. Im thinking mostly it just tries to attack the wrong flesh crawler the same tick it gets attacked so ya I doubt thats bannable. Not really the same 'mistake' function as like say using an alcher and clicking an item in inv 100 times because ur out of nature runes which is what I was comparing the two day ban to. Im always cautious of repeated errors because since I overlay AHK sequences over the osbot clients, bans are pretty much impossible unless its by doing an error action hundreds of times. Typically thats not an issue though especially with scripts of Your caliber 8D . Thanks for reporting in and have a great weekend.


    *Edit* actually when I think about it, when it goes to attack an npc and its already being attacked, theres a delay for a second where it recalibrates ( you are already being attacked ), and auto retaliate kicks in. Maybe You could code it to where, while the npc's are aggro , theres a slight delay in going to attack a monster, which would give it time to make sure its not already being attacked. Then this small delay could be removed once the npc is no longer aggressive. I think this would not only make the xp p/h more efficient, but it would remove the "you are already being attacked" issue. Peace

    • Heart 1
  11. hey man. just wanted to report a glitch . I was running the security stronghold script  on my pure, at flesh crawlers. I went to check the client and it had said "I am already under attack" about 150 times. I think even if it got banned from that it'd only be a two day but the basic jist is, 2 super combat pots, 26 manta rays, afk mode off. Was gonna use afk mode til this got investigated , but after the flesh crawlers go un-aggro, the bot doesnt leave and come back to re-aggro. It just stands there. Peace

    • Heart 1
  12. ok thank you. hey do you think you could code it to sip stamina if it hits 0 rune energy, if theres one in inventory? I like how it does it on agility bot. It'd be a nice touch as it runs around attacking npcs and runs back from bank to keep it more efficient. Purchasing now

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/8/2022 at 5:59 AM, Czar said:

    @Melrpm No chinning supported yet but will do in future

    @CIeetZ Revs has been a dream of mine for a long time but I think there is a market rule against premium Wildy scripts, not sure :feels: That will not stop me though, maybe free/VIP only script coming soon? :doge: 

    Trials activated gl guys, v294.0 should go live any moment now, more to come <3 

    ya if it has to be free then dont bother. You deserve to get paid for all ur time man. Maybe keep it in the back burner xD . Tons of other stuff You can work on for now as it is 8D peace

    • Heart 1
  14. Hey dude , would You consider making a revenant killer? Set target revenant, once in target revenant area, Auto Log out once engaged by another player that can attack You within 3 levels of wildy where You are standing ( if out of combat ),  If in combat, then auto teleport with either runes or glory amulet if past 20 wild , grab a duel ring, tele to ferox enclave, and run back to rev spot. Rinse repeat. I see someone has a bot running rev caves and shit makes bank. I think You'd do pretty well writing that similar script. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, Kramnik said:

    Are you using proxy?


    7 hours ago, Gunman said:

    If the client has support for the Jagex Launcher login menu then maybe. If I recall correctly you don't get that message on the Jagex Launcher version. You can try running it if you want, but depends if the login handler has support for the Play Now button or not, unless you use a custom login handler.

    ya it happens on the original client also just it takes like a hour to kick in, then if you trigger it, you gotta wait like 30 mins to let it cool down or else itll happen every couple hops .  Would be nice to go for max efficiency but would also be cool to know what triggers it and exactly how the function works.

  16. So thanks to You guys posting on Your recent unbans, I attempted a recovery ( Ive never been succesful on them prior to this ) and it actually worked. Jagex new system seems to be much better at recovering accounts now, which is pretty hype. Gonna be going for an account from 04 today so wish me luck :}} . It has a bunch of items in bank on RS3, and even a couple mil on osrs + void + fire cape. bout to sell the RS3 items n see if theres any value there. The stats seem to have carried from pre-eoc to RS3.


    Drippin with that retired gear




    got the 2004 account back also w00p . It seems to really help if You got members and know which time period approximately You got it, along with perhaps the e-mail You would of been using at the time ( whatever hotmail You might of had back then is probly the one ) & what type of payment method  You used . I had been ganking paybyphone subscriptions from the local 7-11 in 2008/2009 which was a great detail to add to my recovery process . I used to go in there with a pen and paper and literally act like I was trying to get a hold of people on the phone, playing dumb while I wrote down 20 pins in a row. Did that several times.




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