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Posts posted by cptnox1993

  1. 3 minutes ago, seppow said:

    I'm having issues my bot scripts don't work atm (Perfect Fighter AIO), all scripts don't load the image in my tab and the Perfect Fighter AIO doesn't start up. :( 

    i think there is a update since there is bot initializatuion error

  2. yea,, tbh i think it was beacuse i  did 2 quest with stealfh quester.. that i wont do this time. lvl 66 on my thieving account now <3

                                                                                    ^done other times to and banned after that 

  3. so i reinstalled my pc, and i forgot to save my gold farms account info.. is there a way to get them back or am i fcked? 


    also i forgot how to only get the oldschool client! i only get the "launcher" option

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