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Zipper B

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Posts posted by Zipper B

  1. Idk if others are having this issue but the bot wont start the dream properly for me. Consistently right clicks for dream option, selects are you sure, then back to right clicking the dream option

  2. On 10/21/2021 at 8:12 PM, Malcolm said:

    I'll take a look at this! Thanks for the report :)

    Idk if an update is out for it or coming out, but I'm still having the issue, along with some acc's getting stuck in quester's house

  3. I've noticed the bot will occasionally get stuck in the range section of tut isl.
    2/10 bots were stuck standing with either the arrows or the bow equipped. I would have to go into the bot myself and equip the missing range item. It then would finish just fine 

  4. I've notice the bot will stand in the bank for 30 seconds before banking and refilling invent.

    Using both options of, mouse off screen vs on, the exp rates are considerably lower then even the most relaxed afkers (94k/h) for addy plates in varrock west. Wondering if this is on purpose as to not be suspicious.

    Also, can i try the perfect blast furnace?

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  5. Just picked this up and tried smithing addy plate's in varrock west. the script would click the anvil pretty much after each platebody made. the exp rate at 20 mins in was under 100k/hour. idk if that's just me or,

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  6. Just started using the script today. Not sure if this is my end but, when on tutorial island, the script types shift click in settings over and over again. Pausing and manually selecting the shift drop option in settings fixed it for me tho

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