Hey, whenever you're ready to learn Java and some other tips and tricks on OSBot, I have a blog where I post information like this: https://www.clayplug.com/how-to-learn-enough-java-to-script-bots/
You've gotten a few bans, and that happens. Honestly bans are a given in this game when you bot. Treat it like day trading: it's not about how to win each time, it's about how to win statistically over time consistently. You could spend money on residential proxies now, but you're still running free scripts on f2p accounts so it's probably a waste of money. Focus on gaining the core skills first and building up to a good level and then add proxies when you're running accounts that you actually want to live for a while.
If you're using free scripts right now while practicing building a farm, my free Shrimp to Salmon Fisher in the SDN can be added to your list of scripts to run for F2P.
Feel free to message me here or on Discord @Clayplug if you need anything