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Posts posted by d1nyuo

  1. On 3/4/2021 at 4:46 AM, burnerboi360 said:

    Do People here think that I'm talking about the ban rate when it comes to safe??? I'm not going to be autoclicking to the death here guys chill (Which that guy with the mage alching probs did). I mix it in with different activities and do it with a different timer. Doing it 6+ hours a day nonstop with no other activities is a death sentence with simple auto clickers, which I don't do.

    Also not every autoclicker is "safe" as in virus-free or malware-free, hence why I asked 





    The Program MacroRecorder seems pretty legit to me...

    theres ALOT going on with it.. more then i can understand to fully use perimeters and such, it also has a side-loaded program with it.


    Phrase Express,


    which can be another way to edit, add screen captures, look for images.


    beyond my knowledge, still messing around with the thing

  2. I still had quite a few thousands of high alchs to burn through,


    instead, using the same method,

    auto Alt-Tab. clicks etc.


    i did agility while alching, so basically when press my pre-set Start script button, it'd alch between my agility movements, alt-tab alch on my bank standing account. and then alt-tab back   (alt-tab was a program switch, not actual keys)


    Much more human like... I'm sure you could alternatively do this with quite a few more accounts



    though i still question if "teleporting" mouse is picked up this way



  3. Recently set up the program MacroRecorder, for high alchs


    Two accounts on PC, the code ran for about 20 seconds, in between then, about 5 alchs per account

    Same PC, using runelite

    copied the code, pasted it multiple times over for about 1.5  hour of alching


    It switched the tabs, and basically double tapped


    one account was banned, and the other was not, Both accounts had previously 2 day ban


    super fucking weird results .



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