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Posts posted by boldcoffeecup

  1. https://ibb.co/YRHwmY1

    the account in aboutready in 2 weeks will be 99 str 70 att 70 def 43 pray nmz ready, was wondering how much this account would be worth, also an accout with the same stats and nmza ready but also 99 rng. how much would each of these be worth in usd? or rs gold?

  2. and wuest points, or maybe its a pooched script? cause right after i used the mage script that kahl one or whatever it is. got me banned in minutes. but when i used to to level my other account ( i did 1k recoils with it to get required levels) i got the ban. i tried another thing where i used a quality ip got the mage lvl by hand then tried using the bot i am currently using on my 8hr/day acc thats working fine and Boom a ban within like 5 minutes of the script. its not the script issue cause clearly its working well on my other acc


  3. okay so i  used rested tut islanders. 10 in total

    5 accounts worked amazingly couple got banned (my fault training at sand crabs which is heavly watched and full of active players) so i was left with a few accounts. now this is what im not understanding. i did waterfall and got 1 to 30 def, activly used a script on here got me the mage requirments to do another script. am currently still using this bot and is working 8 hrs a day with breaks which is great. now i followed the same proceess with another account ( both these are on quality proxys btw) and the one account got banned using the exact same script. but he didnt have waterfall done or any stats was like a lvl 3 that i got mage to the requirement stilll on a rested acc and a fresh ip. do skill points facter into the banns? or combat level? or do you think it was a pooched ip? 

  4. not entirely true. thanks for your input tho. a buddy sold me a few 66 mage accs before and when i tried logging onto one via my own ip that i regularly use it locked the account because of suspicious activity and had to unlock. we think it might be because before he logged into one of the accounts to take a picture of something and maybe it saved his ip via runescape website then when i tried to acess via my ip it  just locked. idk maybe you know more about this but it didn't have anything to do with my ip.


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