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Trum Trum

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Posts posted by Trum Trum

  1. Easy way to stay posetiv. Expect the worst, if you think you will get banned 100 times and only gets banned 90 times its still a win. 

    Jokes aside, botting have changed a lot over the years. i just came back and its though man. Bans are quicker and jagex are getting better. In this day its mostly about doing methods that not a lot of people uses and just learning from bans and successes. Tweaking the settings and methods from what you have learned.

    Gl in the future my man 


  2. 2 hours ago, Eliason Ruhm said:

    Hey, man good advice will definitely be trying to look for resources or even other experienced botter who would like to take me under their wing and teach me the routes! Thanks brother and safe botting!


    Im gonna be real i dont know a lot yet, so sould prob not be a mentor haha. Hope you find a good one though !

  3. Hey welcome my man, instant life time sponser and a lot of scripts. Diving in headfirst i like it haha.

    I just started aswell im taking an another route, atm im doing research and prep. 

    My advise "remember im a pleb", is gathering information reading guides, and finding out what you want out of botting. 

    When that is done, make a plan and execute.

    Gl on your adventures my man !

  4. 40 minutes ago, 12346720 said:

    Old thread but some interesting information on the topic and didnt feel like making a new thread.

    Been using proxies and the first time i used one of my 5 proxies I had no issues with being locked after tut island ( by hand ) I was trialing a new script from os script factory and got banned after a day.

    Ever since then any of the 5 proxies i use those accounts get locked str8 after tut island ( by hand )..

    So I msged my proxy provider and they told me all 5 of my proxies are fresh virgin proxies.. 

    sooooo idk??

    Hmm seems like a lot of people is getting locked accounts. Iv not started botting yet just prepping (setting up accounts doing reserch, not had any problems with locks though) It might be a problem with the proxies (im not using any atm, and everything seems to go flawless tbh) Hope you find a solution my man!

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