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Posts posted by jen140

  1. Looks like canifs is bugged, bot just stays on "humanlike idle for 3 seconds" than for 6, 7, 3. If the breaks are disabled, than it just stays there "setting up the script".

    Mirror mode, 2.5.85 osbot

  2. Script works, the problems were already mentioned, but just in case:

    -walking in the beginning

    -getting kicked for inactivity sometimes (sometimes it's too slow for mirror mode)

    -getting stuck if the net was ripped

    -tries to do the activity without paste






  3. 43 minutes ago, Token said:

    Does it keep triple clicking so its stuck going back and forth, or is this a rare occurrence? It was supposed to stop on death, I guess I gotta fix that part :feels:Β 

    It buys lots of arrows because it was developed for minimum possible levels (25 ranged), but I'll make it buy less arrows depending on type, so it would end up with 2k adamant, 1k rune, 500 amethyst or something like that,Β it's impossible to do this with 30 arrows without ava's accumulator

    It doesn't always happen, but I'd say 2 in 5Β cases when it successfully passes the obstacle. Looks like it only happens on the first plank.Β 

  4. Underground pass, when crossing the logs it sometimes triple clicks and goes back when the first one was done.

    [INFO][Bot #1][]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: position: [x=2380, y=9634, z=0]; next: Underground Pass; queue: 4; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: running quest: Underground Pass; current stage: 4
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: navigating up area #2
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: crossing stone bridge #1
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: position: [x=2379, y=9634, z=0]; next: Underground Pass; queue: 4; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: running quest: Underground Pass; current stage: 4
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: navigating up area #2
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: crossing stone bridge #1


    Death mechanics are also not working.

    [INFO][Bot #1][]: going to bank
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3166, y=3486, z=0], [x=3270, y=3167, z=0], [x=2616, y=3333, z=0], [x=2654, y=3284, z=0], [x=2725, y=3491, z=0], [x=2443, y=3083, z=0], [x=2809, y=3440, z=0], [x=3093, y=3244, z=0], [x=2536, y=3573, z=0], [x=3427, y=2891, z=0], [x=2661, y=3162, z=2], [x=3094, y=3494, z=0], [x=3013, y=3356, z=0], [x=2945, y=3370, z=0], [x=3208, y=3219, z=2], [x=3253, y=3421, z=0], [x=3183, y=3437, z=0], [x=2612, y=3092, z=0], [x=2386, y=4460, z=0], [x=3369, y=3170, z=0]];


    Also, shouldn't it just be buying like 10-30 arrows instead of 3k ?

  5. Merlin Crystal gets stuck in Port Sarim door, debug:

    [INFO][Bot #1][]: running quest: Merlins Crystal; current stage: 4
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: opening door
    [INFO][Bot #1][]: sleep interrupted

  6. Great script had a chance to try out most of the f2p and p2p quests.Β 

    Had some issues with "Shadow of the Storm" at the Ritual part (the ritual didn't start and bot was trying to talk with Denath instead of talking toΒ Matthew) but don't have the logs saved.

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