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Everything posted by LonelyHill

  1. Thanks for the replies, I've tried underscores now, it also can't authenticate. As for the name change, I've just had it changed. Guess I'll ask for some kindness in a second change.
  2. Hey, Working my way into OSBot but there's some small hickups here and there with launching scripts in cli. I currently have this command that does not work, because it can't log in, is it because my username has spaces in it? java -jar "Desktop/OSBot.jar" -login A Lonely Hill:QAZ654987!! -bot a@b.c:ABC487 -script 1053:load -allow norandoms I've also tried to put the name in quotes. java -jar "Desktop/OSBot.jar" -login "A Lonely Hill":NotARealPassEither69! -bot a@b.c:ABC487 -script 1053:load -allow norandoms Some insight would be appreciated.
  3. Out of personal interest, are there people who'd buy 1000 of these accounts in bulk? (Trade unlocked with new rules) I have a bit more than that in storage for now.
  4. Hey, new to Osbot, bought this script a few days back and when manually starting it up it works quite well. However, I see the splash screen being shown in a few screenshots in previous pages, showing tickboxes such as using the accounts.txt and so on. I am never seeing those, the script just starts, does the one account and finishes. A bit of a bummer as I'm trying to make quite a few accounts. So if you could point me in the right direction, I'll be very thankful. Also, is it supposed to detect it's not supposed to try to log in to a member world? It keeps trying without swapping to non-member.
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