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Posts posted by Avoided

  1. 14 minutes ago, BravoTaco said:

    Use an array that contains start/end positions of each obstacle that is than linked to the next obstacle. Than you would just need to write navigation logic to run through the course.

    hmmm okay thank you I will try this !

  2. Hello, 

    Just making my way to every skill in order to understand them better from a botting perspective, wondering if anyone has any tips for agility, I have read some script code posted on the forums but a lot of them seem poorly optimized and only for one course. What is the best logic to use when approaching an agility bot? 

    Thank you all in advance :)


  3. 1 minute ago, ExtraBotz said:

    Be sure to see the edited note at the bottom. It wont work unless you're in that area. Let me know if you need any help :)

    Funny enough it turns out the be the same area I chose but I appreciate the help and will pm you if I have any issues, thank you again. :D

  4. 9 minutes ago, ExtraBotz said:

    How to check Hosidious favour:

    float favour = methods.getFavour().getFavour(Favour.House.HOSIDIUS);

    This is a method from my script Extra House Favour that I use to push the plough.

    private NPC plough = null;
    private void pushPlough() {
    	if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) {
    		if (plough == null) {
    			plough = getNpcs().closest(o -> o.getId() == 6924);
    		if (plough != null) {
    			log("Plough Position X:" + plough.getPosition().getX() + " Y: " + plough.getPosition().getY());
    			boolean infront = myPosition().equals(plough.getPosition().translate(3, 1));
    			boolean behind = myPosition().equals(plough.getPosition().translate(-1, 1));
    			if ((infront && plough.getPosition().getX() != 1763) || (behind && plough.getPosition().getX() != 1777)) {
    				if (plough.hasAction("Repair")) {
    					if (plough.interact("Repair")) {
    						new ConditionalSleep(1000, 3000) {
    							public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
    								return myPlayer().isAnimating();
    				} else {
    					if (plough.interact("Push")) {
    						new ConditionalSleep(1000, 3000) {
    							public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
    								return myPlayer().isAnimating();
    			} else {
    				int front = plough.getPosition().distance(new Position(1777, plough.getY(), 0));
    				Position frontPos = plough.getPosition().translate(3, 1);
    				int back = plough.getPosition().distance(new Position(1763, plough.getY(), 0));
    				Position backPos = plough.getPosition().translate(-1, 1);
    				if (front > back) {
    				} else {
    		} else {
    			log("Plough is null!");
    	} else {
    		log("Pushing the plough");


    Oh wow I cant thank you enough, this is amazing ! 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Protoprize said:

    There isn't a method specifically for this, so what you'd have to do, is make a functions that compares the state/position of the selected plough, track its location and once it reaches a position on the edge of the farm, walk to the other side and repeat.

    This works if the character starts on the correct side, you'd have to make a separate start method for this 

    I assumed that would be the method to do so, thank you for the help, any idea on how to check hosidius favour?

  6. Hello All,

    I am currently trying to do some hosidius favour and I had a few questions some people probably have answers to,

    How do I check current percentage of hosidius favour?

    Pushing the plough is no problem but how would I check if I am on the correct side to push to plough in the correct direction as well as check state to repair?

    Thank you in advance to anyone that is able to provide me with any information,

    Avoided :)

  7. On 4/23/2020 at 2:16 PM, deadfish said:

    More free time lately, so back in business. Discord is always the best way to get in contact since I don't check PM's here often except to verify discord users.

    Can't add your discord says it isn't correct but would want a signature, whats the cost like?

  8. 54 minutes ago, Botthestrange said:

    Im not script master myself, however I could recommend checking out Explv's OIA script to get an idea on how to build a framework that works with osbot along with how some of the core skilling scripts are being built.

    The entire collection is open source and on github: https://github.com/Explv/Explvs-AIO

    Oh thank you I will definitely check that out ! :)

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ace99 said:

    Get creative with what you make (not to be confused with complicated). Creativity will stand out.

    Certainly will keep that in mind while I continue my path, I really appreciate the advice and hope to see you around :)

  10. 23 minutes ago, Kramnik said:

    Welcome and good luck :) 

    Ill need it ! thank you :)

    19 minutes ago, Lost Panda said:

    Welcome fren

    Thanks friend !

    10 minutes ago, shreder said:

    welcome to osbot

    Appreciated ! thank you!

  11. 8 minutes ago, Space said:

    Welcome to osbot, hope you’re ready for constant head scratching by the communities actions and threads. Enjoy your stay :doge: 

    Isn't that why we're all here??

    8 minutes ago, Cyber_Hawk said:

    Welcome to OSbot. :)

    Thank youuu

    4 minutes ago, Naked said:

    Welcome to the shit show, enjoy your stay.

    Just remember, Naked Scripts Best Scripts

    I will remember that for the short term! thank you!

  12. Hello,

    I am a female software engineer looking to begin doing some scripting projects on the side and look forward to learning the ins and outs of Osbot in order to be able to eventually have my first upload to the SDN. I have played Osrs for a few years and think I have a decent understanding of the core game. After reading a few tutorials and I willing to take on my first task and look forward to doing so. I see some people have quite intricate scripts and will be there at some point myself. I currently live in Canada and because of the pandemic will have ample amounts of time to begin my journey on Osbot, I am no stranger to Java so I don't think it will be too difficult but thats me being optimistic. I am wondering if there are any good ways to receive some positive feedback in order to have my profile stand out if I do so chose to begin private scripting. Again being optimistic. If anyone is willing to look at my code eventually has a good standing to give a valuable vouch I would appreciate it if you could comment and I will share the source when possible. I hope everyone is staying safe during these times and happy botting ! :)

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