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Posts posted by xogato

  1. Coming back to osrs was nostalgic af but without the time to grind the levels like back in the day botting seemed the way. Over the years I've botted multiple accounts getting a couple of 99s and making some decent money. Alas good things must come to an end. After getting a two day ban on my main (nothing amazing 1000 total level but it was my first 99 ever - botted ofc), I thought I was done with the botting life but nah...  I ended up getting a permanent ban about two weeks later using a shitty woodcutting bot. Since then, my accounts have been getting banned like wildfire within a day even with 1-3 hrs of botting with tutorial island done by hand. So today I am hanging up my metaphorical botting boots, I thank Jagex for being a valiant opponent. To my fellow botters, best wishes for the hours of botting ahead, may the botting gods look down upon you miners, woodcutters, soliders, questers and mains. Remember if you live by the sword, you die by the sword X




  2. Hey man, sweet script. I've used it for a few hrs here and there runs very smoothly but I do find it's not as quick to attack the next NPC. For example, I get about 15k exp/hr but I've used other scripts at similar levels and got around 22-25k/hr


  3. On 12/22/2019 at 10:13 PM, shekelshark said:

    Been a year or so since I've used this script and now the features are gutted. Used to be really useful but now you can't do much with it, and it gets you banned doing the default strategies that are deemed "ultra-lite". Since theres no variance the detection picks up very quickly so be careful or run the script in small increments.

    Agree with this, use this script with caution. Literally got banned within 30 minutes 

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