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Posts posted by Ambassador

  1. Bought the script thinking I could do Ardougne knights till 99 but realized most people have a ardy cloak 2 + gloves of silence so might not be as good xp...


    I'm really hoping for the blackjack portion to be developed.


    So far though from doing cake stall and master farmer, the script is working great and is fast.

    • Like 1
  2. Not a big deal but a suggestion.....The UI has the option to select west, south-east and, north-east locations to fight experiments. If you have the skill tab open that shows xp/h and you click on the same spot the aforementioned locations button then it will trigger that and go there.


    Otherwise it does everything pretty well :)


  3. I don't understand the trial thing on OSBot....it costs you 2 fucking dollars just get it.


    OP, your script clicks on grapes then a jug TWICE before selecting make all in the chat box. You should add a sleep or something to wait for the next time it uses grapes on the jug.

    • Like 2
  4. One last question.  can jagex trace items from account to account?  or is there a safe untraceable way to transfer items?  Also, can i be playing in my firefox browser and be botting through the client at the same time?  my main wont get banned?

    anyone?  im real thinking about buying vip but i gotta know the safe ways to get away with botted items 100%


    nothing is 100% with botting.


    Honestly, it's so obvious to see if a player is a bot. People use scripts from people that literally just learned how to code Java and you think you won't get banned?


    There are multiple theories how to transfer items between accounts but at the end of the day Jagex can still tell. Go to wildy and get killed with 50m. Stake 20m. Straight trade. It's all obvious.

  5. Personally I ran 2 accounts on stealth and got banned within 24 hours. Then I used mirror mode on another account and it lasted 1 week. I used stealth injection sometimes on that account as well because the script I used was bugging on mirror mode....that account is now banned.

  6. i5 ATLEAST, 4 GB of ram is do able but 8GB preferred. Getting a dedicated GPU for a laptop is dum. Pay more money for a shit card just so it's portable ? Battery life will suck ass anyways so there goes your portability.


    If it's for casual use, i5, 4gb ram, SSD.


    otherwise i5 8gb ssd or i7 if you got the money but won't be a big difference unless you know you'll be running some intensive shit.


    only thing I like about that laptop is matte screen.

  7. If you can tell us what it's for then we might be able to help more.


    If it's for emails you don't care about, you could use mailinator. That's a public email though BUT if you use something random like skdfhsadf@mailinator.com then the chances of someone finding it would be low.

  8. Hey Czar, since you have updated its all working but i have lost like 10k exp an hour ? 


    Any ideas why and does anyone have a any tips to increasing efficiency ? like what's this about 100+ arrows ? 


    i get 42k/h with 75 range. ive been getting that amount since 70. i just have black hide, snake boots, avas backpack, glory, whatever head, and a magic bow. i think what actually is helping me get xp is i do have 100+ bronze arrows


    It was just coincidence I equipped them before i went to the range guild .and i noticed, by having this many arrows the script dosent check if you have arrows and dosent have to click on the new 10 arrows you get everytime you  pay the 200 gp

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah just did that last night. I hope that resolves the problem.


    holy fuck. Did you actually reinstall windows because of this? LMFAO


    You can disable the other persons input when you're using teamviewer so that explains why your mouse wasn't working.


    Now it is possible he gave you a keylog threw teamviewer by using the built in file transfer that TV has. You know if they send a file when you see a window like this:




    so if you didn't see that you did not get a keylogger.


    As for password reset....I've gotten a bunch of those before too. IT's possible he just got your email and was trying to reset it but he'd need login to your email.


    Malwarebytes is good shit so if it returned nothing you're pretty safe because if this guy is transfering his keylogger via teamviewer I highly doubt he has a good keylogger that malwarebytes wouldn't find.

  10. I'm only saying this to make you better but I expected more from you Czar, given your past scripts being #1 sold and a scripter 3. 


    How my zoom settings got changed is not the point, but not having the script realize after a few seconds of no xp maybe it should try to resolve the issue. Since so many people have problems with zoom not being set to default why not implement something to set that?


    Other than this the script works great and am glad I bought it.




    i'll try to get a longer proggy but OSRS client keeps crashing for some reason. (not the scripts fault)


    But this proggy shows how well the script is. Solid 40k/h!

    • Like 1
  11. Just never turn off you computer / modem . If your ip gets flagged just reset any of those and continue .


    wut. Why never turn off his computer/modem ?


    If your IP changes at your house like you say it does then no point for a vpn unless you're running multiple accounts. All the accounts would still show the same IP until it changes then they'll all show the new IP. You don't want that. 

  12. My suggestions would be is since you can't run proxies with mirror mode your only option is to apply your proxy to your entire machine. Meaning, whatever proxy you have, they either have a client or you have to configure your OS to use that proxy. Then use mirror mode like normal. The only problem with this is if you open another bot it will have the same IP defeating the purpose of using a proxy...SO basically mirror mode + NO PROXY or run a new machine for every mirror mode + proxy.



    It is possible you could set a proxy per program in this case the OSRS client, but i'm not sure.

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