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Posts posted by noobman997

  1. Edit: you could even do this as one batch file on its own as below. 


    (appropriate 50 CLI lines for tutorial bot)

    timeout 900 

    taskkill /IM java.exe

    timeout 5

    (appropriate 50 CLI lines for 7qp bot) 

    timeout  5000?? ( value here needs to be longer than how long bots take to gain 7qp)

    taskkill /IM java.exe

    timeout 5

    (Appropriate 50 CLI lines for your method) 

    (your method should then be started)













  2. 1 hour ago, Kittycats said:

    Before mirror mode every acc created got banned within 2-3 hours, started same script and got 99 in the skill. I also don't play on the accounts I just bot till I drop. noticed its best to get an easy 99 like cooking, wear the cape and ban rate seems to go down lmao

    you had more success with mirror then? lol thats mad 99 cook cant be too easy to bot can it lol??

  3. I've bought accs rested for one year and it didn't seem to make any difference at all sadly. 

    I have also attempted to do so on account with about 40qp all manually done.(meaning the account had a fair amount leveled) and this account lasted about 2 hours of botting. 

    If the method were to be known already, is there anyway to fight against this? 


    My accounts only need around 10 hours in order to be in the profits, however I cannot seem to even be able to achieve this. 


    My problem with manual training is how this becomes difficult on a bigger farm level :(


    I feel as if I have done hours and hours of research but I must be doing something wrong, still 

  4. Hello, i'm relatively new to the botting scene and i'm running into a series of issues, getting banned FAST.

    i've trialled and errored a multitude of different methods and so far 99% of the accounts have been banned within one day. (100 accs?)


    I'll document what i have trialled below and if anyone can spot an obvious error i am making i would be very grateful for your help! is a real struggle starting solo lol


    Script type: private script 

     it goes from lummy, buys bond, gets the relevant stat to 60 and then does method ( often banned before achieving lvl 60) - some are able to do the method for like 2 hours tops

     tried using datacenter proxies, home IP, vpns, residential proxies - so i can;t see at this stage the IP is at fault as none work.

     tried manually completing tut, buying tutorial accounts(rested) and also using accounts with some stats, accs with quests - but NONE last more than a few hours.  

    i've also tried various different breaks(some ridiculously cautious), and botted parallel with the proxy timezone. 




    please pm or reply to here if you are able to help me at all, it would be so so appreciated as i seem to have hit a dead end. - not sure what else to try. 

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