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dylan Rho

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Posts posted by dylan Rho

  1. Khal - thank you for the ogres trial. I might buy. I want to try the pest control now. I will 100% buy a script from you. As I said, im active and a long time user despite the post count. Would really appreciate another trial!


    Script: Pest control

    Member number: 35123

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  2. This simple tutorial shows you how to run OSBot with Java 8 and Java 7 installed on your computer.


    If you're getting this error:


    There's a good chance you are running OSBot in Java 8. 




    Step 1.

    Create a new text file. In the text file add these two lines:

    In the second line, replace the directory with wherever you keep your OSBot jar file.

    Step 2.

    Save this new text file as a batch file by ending the file name in ".bat", such as:



    Step 3.

    Your newly saved batch file will appear with a gear/cog icon:



    Double click and you're ready to go.


    Please post Mac instructions I cant figure it out!


    EDIT:  Still can't figure it out, and I'm not an idiot.  I promise!

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