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Everything posted by Botx

  1. Disputed member: QuestCape Thread Link: Trade was arranged via Skype Explanation: He pmed me on Skype asking if i had 40m to sell him after i replied on someone elses thread saying ill sell them 10m. I told him i was willing to sell him 20m. I went first and gave him 20m ingame, then failed to receive any sort of payment. Evidence: Hidden Chat Log:
  2. Botx


    Hello there, im willing to sell 10m to watch you stake Skype: OSBotx
  3. Which position applying for? : Powerleveler, Account creation Do you agree to paying the fee? : Yes How often do you play? : 3-12 hours a day. Your skype : OSBotx Any other questions? : Will speak on skype
  4. Great idea! Really impressed and a really unique way of hopefully slimming the chances of getting banned on the account gaining all the xp. What would be really interesting is if you could make a fire alter one, with 5 accounts plus the main account this would be really good xp p/h!
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