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Posts posted by Cod3xDev

  1. On 12/15/2019 at 10:33 AM, FuryShark said:
    RS2Object oreDeposit = getObjects().closest("Ore vein");
            String objectName = oreDeposit.getName();
            int objectModelID = oreDeposit.getId();
            if(oreDeposit != null && getMap().canReach(oreDeposit)) {
                log("Waiting to be done mining");
                new ConditionalSleep(6000, 8000) {
                    public boolean condition() {
                        return getObjects().closest(objectModelID) != null && getObjects().closest(objectModelID).getName().equals("Ore vein");


    Tried this and it still spam clicks the ore vein :(


  2. On 2/21/2022 at 7:10 AM, Gunman said:

    Hardware mouse is the best yes ✊ 😔

    The hardware mouse is broken for me on my M1 MacBook air (Java 8 JDK, OSBot 2.6.42) the actually hardware mouse moves but the in-game paint mouse doesn't align to the hardware mouse causing it to click forever on nothing until i move the actual mouse it realigns causing it to click, however that defeats the purpose of using the hardware mouse as it shouldn't require me to constantly be moving the mouse for it to interact. I've tried the latest Dev build and to no avail, I've achieved no results. I need help please <3 

    • Sad 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Gunman said:

    If you're using private scripts why not tweak the mouse to be faster lol
    Think there's another setting that controls this but here's the code for it

    getBot().setMouseMoveProfile(new MouseMoveProfile()
                            .setNoise(0) //default 2.15
                            .setDeviation(0) //default 7
                            .setOvershoots(0) //default 2
                            .setSpeedBaseTime(0) //default 185
                            .setFlowSpeedModifier(0) //default 1.0
                            .setMinOvershootDistance(0) //default 25
                            .setFlowVariety(MouseMoveProfile.FlowVariety.HIGH) //default MouseMoveProfile.FlowVariety.NORMAL
                            .setMinOvershootTime(0) //default 375

    For most of them lowering the number turns the setting up. So like for speed base time if you set it to 0 the mouse will instantly teleport, set it to 800 and it will move at 10 pixels a second basically lol.

    You're a legend thankyou!

    • Boge 1
  4. 4 hours ago, The Devil said:

    New mouse is not great at interacting with a moving entity. Its been a problem ever since new mouse release and not sure if its been mentioned. 

    Example: Lets say we want to attack a chicken and the chicken is moving, the mouse will trail behind the chicken until it stops and then interact with it.

    I've experienced this too, thought it was just me and my own private scripts lol XD

  5. On 11/3/2020 at 1:28 PM, acidstone said:

    i tried to read through all the comments to see if anyone is having issues like mine..


    everytime i get a clue bottle the bot and client freezes, then i have to task manager out and reboot the bot :/ any luck or word on a work around?


    No other complaints other than that :) feel glad i got it running in less than 5 minutes after seeing all these folks struggle to follow simple instructions lmao.

    I have the exact same issue 🤔

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