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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Goodluck this will be a nice account when you're finished
  2. Road to Quest Cape Today I completed all F2P quests and I decided I would go ahead and try to get a quest cape I hope to do AT LEAST 5 quests a day if not more I plan to do the more important quests first that will help me out later on (Monkey Madness, Animal Magnetism, Lost City, ETC.) and eventually all of them Once I finish the quests I actually need I will start from novice-expert I hope to have this all done by the time school starts, wish me luck! I will be posting my progress daily and I will add screenshots etc. ANY DONATIONS THAT WILL HELP BUY GEAR, ITEMS, ETC. WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! ADD MY SKYPE TO KEEP ME COMPANY! : TFG.Gabby Thanks everyone!
  3. I would like to change my name but is it allowed?
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