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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by wayno

  1. As everyone has said, drill demon with exercise mat is not working. Also random where you catch pheasants doesn't seem to either. Keep up the good work though! much appreciated by everyone

  2. Laptop can easily handle OSbot im pretty sure, 4GB ram, i.5, windows 7. Strange thing is there is no errors below my OSbot, its like it doesn't even realise its crashed. The cursor the script is using to control my character will just stop, leaving my character stood still until it auto-logs after 5 minutes or so.

  3. Hi all, seems to be a problem just on my laptop because it runs fine on the family one. Basically whenever running any bot after approx. 30minutes to an hour the proggy numbers will go haywire and randomly change, then soon after the bot will just stop, the mouse cursor for the script will stop and no error logs will show, my character will soon log out after 5 minutes or die from doing nothing while being attacked.


    I've tried deleting Java, re-installing it, using JDK, deleting OSbot and re-installing that. Deleting my Anti-virus. Nothing seems to work.


    Havnt used teamview before but that if anyone can help me or come up with a solution I will pay them $20 paypal after I have a proggy more than 6+ hours! Would rather a Mod but anyone who can help I am desperate! thank you for taking time to read :)

  4. It always randomly stops with no error log or anything and my character will log out after 5 minutes or so. With the new RS update and everyone posting their error logs mine is different.


    On the third row mine is "pb.run" instead of "wb.run" like everyone elses, is that any significance to why my bot will never proggy more than an hour? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    [iNFO ][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Loading client...
    [ERROR][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Failed to load client!
     at i.i(i.java:59)
     at client.init(client.java:819)
     at org.osbot.Pb.run(jl:315)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source

  5. I also have this.. but why is mine on the third row "pb.run" instead of "wb.run" like everyone elses?


    [iNFO ][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Loading client...
    [ERROR][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Failed to load client!
     at i.i(i.java:59)
     at client.init(client.java:819)
     at org.osbot.Pb.run(jl:315)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source

  6. I also have this.. but why is mine on the third row "pb.run" instead of "wb.run" like everyone elses?


    [iNFO ][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Loading client...
    [ERROR][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Failed to load client!
     at i.i(i.java:59)
     at client.init(client.java:819)
     at org.osbot.Pb.run(jl:315)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source

  7. I also have this.. but why is mine on the third row "pb.run" instead of "wb.run" like everyone elses?


    [iNFO ][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Loading client...
    [ERROR][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Failed to load client!
     at i.i(i.java:59)
     at client.init(client.java:819)
     at org.osbot.Pb.run(jl:315)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source

  8. I also have that.. But why is mine on the third row "pb.run" instead of "wb.run" like everyone elses?


    [iNFO ][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Loading client...
    [ERROR][08/22/13 10:18:51 PM]: Failed to load client!
     at i.i(i.java:59)
     at client.init(client.java:819)
     at org.osbot.Pb.run(jl:315)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

  9. Awesome guide, I've tried all of it however and my bot still just randomly stops after 1 hour approx and the numbers on GUI go haywire and the mouse pointer will stop moving and I'll die/log out soon after. Don't know what I should do..?

  10. Did it again, no error log just on the log in screen. Going to try use a different Java version, worth a try right?


    Script stops working, pointer stops. 5 minutes later I log out. Deleted my Javas re-downloaded still doing it. sad.png

  11. Generally no, will just log out and bot proggie/gui will stop and random numbers will come up. SXAnkous was the only script that would work for 2+ hours without problem, then it got updated and now it fails before an hour of running.

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