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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. - Click on any of the logos below to be redirected to the thread of that script for any additional information you may need! - For any trial requests please join the discord and use our discord bot to get your trial authorized!
  2. Through SDN I don't believe it is possible. You'd likely have to set something up to kill the task
  3. @vendicci I have now just pushed an update for CLI support V1.2: Included CLI support. Will update the thread with the parameters
  4. Black axe is required also. You can use black at 11 I think it is
  5. What was your wc level at the time and did you have all of the axes in the bank? Were you trying to upgrade the axe?
  6. @NakedPotato Indeed this script make the logs do the fire thing where you get fire making experience
  7. Just pushed an update for Lumbridge bank and I included a double check outside of the door where you were stuck. Ironically all of the other doors are double checked in case the bot somehow gets stuck behind a door but I had forgotten that check when I released the script
  8. @vendicci Are you using mirrored or injection? VPS/proxy? I could add Lumbridge as a walking location, never thought of it considering we are already in Lumbridge when we finish.
  9. @7upSprite has this error just happened to you once? Looking at it the error looks like a Null Pointer around the player being in an area which is strange. I'll look into this more though. Also I am aware of short pauses in the script to recognize things. That short pause is amplified much more by mirrored mode.
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