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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. Malcolm


    dOsEn'T eVeN uSe ThE cOdE fOrMaTtInG
  2. Malcolm


    @Token is that you?
  3. if (!getMagic().isSpellSelected()) { if (getMagic().castSpell(NormalSpells.SUPERHEAT_ITEM)) { new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getMagic().isSpellSelected(); } }.sleep(); } } else { long invAmount = getInventory().getAmount("Iron ore"); if (getInventory().interact("Cast", "Iron ore")) { new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return invAmount != getInventory().getAmount("Iron ore"); } }.sleep(); } } I have the above in a script and the interaction occasionally fails. The script will cast a few hundred casts and eventually fail and I am not too sure why. The script will go on its way and then after a few hundred casts just stops. The spell is selected and the bot is stuck in the inventory hovering the iron ore to interact with it. Is this an API bug or have I possibly done something that isn't reliable?
  4. Interesting, I cannot seem to get the bot to recreate this. The change in logs shouldn't effect this. Possibly has to do with the areas I have set up. I will try and recreate this and see if I can find a fix for it. If anyone else experiences this let me know.
  5. It's working fine for me. I'll look into this further but I am not having any problems at the moment. EDIT: What logs were you using?
  6. @ORANGEPEOPLE Enjoy being the same color as a meme president.
  7. Do you really like to be orange? The color of the dumbest president in American history?
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