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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. Uploaded V1.35. Changed the Varrock walking to try and counter the bot getting stuck. Uploaded loggers to help debug the bot. Should be live soon. If anyone experiences this bug please upload the logger and show me exactly which position you were in when you experienced this bug so I can take a look closer at it.
  2. Just do something like this and I can figure out grabbing the areas. All i did was gyazo the game map and use paint to make the box.
  3. I'll priorizie this bug and finding a fix for it. What I expect it is is actually an area bug. The script has the areas programmed in but sometimes I find if your bot is one tile outside of the area it won't do any walking that its supposed to do, this doesn't happen 100% of the time though. I will try and find a way around this and if I can't I'll talk to Patrick about it and see if he can find a solution. As for adding the areas if you can show me exactly which areas you'd like added I'll look into these (I've never done firemaking in either of these areas so I'm not too sure where the meta spot is
  4. Enjoy 24hrs I've never used Explv's manager, you could try it but i'm not 100% sure how it works or anything like that. If you have a problem you'd have to talk to him about it
  5. I don't offer trials on this script because they are too easy to abuse. Sorry man.
  6. Sorry, just saw this, activating it for you now!
  7. please tell me how this many people could vote no for a memes section?
  8. I would assume as long as they are within OSBOT forums rules then yes.
  9. These are my price goals to get back in the market, somewhere in between these two prices. I made a little amount last year but not as much as I could have. I wasn't around for the big bull run of 2017. These are the coins I have picked out that I'd get at the specific prices if the price reaches my goals. I don't expect to reach all of these prices and yes, I am well aware that some of these are absolute dogshit coins. Anywho, any thoughts?
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