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Everything posted by ImaFkingNub

  1. I have not scammed anyone and he has not provided proof.
  2. Disputed Member: ImaFkingNub Why it should be removed: Straight up false feedback. 100% Lie Details: Gold randomly claimed I scammed him yesterday and after clearing it up with mods and making him remove the comment, he created a new account and left this feedback on my page. Link to topic: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/147940-i-need-a-bunch-of-serivces/?page=2
  3. I've done absolutely nothing fishy. I allowed you to choose a middle man of your choice and you decided to randomly call me a scammer. Thank you for deleting the comment, but these comments aren't any better because you're leaving out details that are convenient for yourself to make you look good and me look bad. I'm gonna have to find someone else for the order thanks for your time anyway.
  4. Why would i give you the account information when you haven’t paid the middleman yet? You’re leaving pretty big details out of your story...
  5. https://gyazo.com/a7123b5d0a0dc1777577438b9cf0eca8 https://gyazo.com/df0f2aeeac5c4a2e4cea560ffa176506 https://gyazo.com/b5a260c94a99e38f2d3beeffe53a3f48 when did i try to scam him
  6. I haven't tried to scam.. This guy asked for an MM, I suggested decode, and he thinks decode is one of my accounts or something...
  7. For each of these, the account will have a lot of money on them which can be used for the services. need the following: account 1-------------------------------------------------- 65-76 agility 66-71 woodcutting 60-65 smithing 70-74 prayer (Should be done before training ranged, as the account has rigour unlocked) 61-70 cooking 91-94 magic 84-99 range 50-67 construction elemental workshop 1 elemental workshop 2 Client of Kourend Grim Tails The Great Brain robbery Scorpion Catcher A Soul's Bane Wanted! Devious Minds Rag and Bone Man RFD awowogei part and boss fight ---------------------------------------------------- Account 2:--------------------------------------------------------------------- 70-74 prayer 89-99 ranged Void range Helm (200pt) Elite Void knight top(500pt) Elite void knight bottom (500pt) void knight gloves(150pt) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account 3: Monkey Madness 1 Desert Treasure Regicide Lunar Diplomacy A soul's bane Horror from the deep 53-70 cookiing RFD full Fighter Torso 70-85 ranged 43-52 prayer all accounts will have necessary supplies for every skill, and a large cash stack for any quest supplies needed if you don't want to do it all just tell me what you want to do Add my discord dakbuchtier#5219 so we can talk if you are interested
  8. account has 70 pray 70 def 73 range need to get it to 80 add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
  9. can do, have over 5k zulrah kills and will do free and provide gear all i need is a feedback after add my discord dakbuchtier#5219 or pm me
  10. ImaFkingNub


    If you want to, you can make a hcim and I can do whatever you want on it, that way there's no chance of the account being recovered. I've had a few hcims before. I can also go first since i have no feedback. Also I'll do it for cheap. add my discord if interested: dakbuchtier#5219
  11. 1.5m ill go first add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
  12. add dakbuchtier#5219 can start asap will do cheap and will go first
  13. i added u on disc if u need an acc still
  14. $26 for atk and str and if you want some range we can talk about a price
  15. Can have this done in 1 week 15gp/xp for str and atk and we will negotiate for the range price. I will also do it hand done. add my discord dakbuchtier#5219 i can go first also will take usd add my discord we will talk
  16. 9m and 6-8 hours i can go first add my discord dakbuchtier#5219 i can start asap
  17. 12m i can go first add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
  18. 250k each hand made i can go first discord dakbuchtier#5219
  19. ImaFkingNub

    Fire cape

    I can do ur firecape for 2.5m 1-2 hrs and i can provide the supplies and gear. Also i'll go first because my feedback is low. Can start asap add my discord dakbuchtier#5219 or pm me
  20. https://gyazo.com/e8cb44f12d3e52cdce156f73527287a7 stats https://gyazo.com/121a0fd058857cee93d085d61e78cc5c quests https://gyazo.com/5ac726c58eb315c6f4f6a558b7d128cd untradables (slay helm and berserker ring are imbued) no bans/mutes/anything on the account add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
  21. 5gp/exp can start asap and will go first add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
  22. 6-7m depending on agility level I can do this and I'm willing to go first and can start asap add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
  23. Agility - 55m +3k for each mark of grace Quests - 4m For everything - 59m +3k for each mark of grace can have it done in 6-7 days and i can go first add my discord dakbuchtier#5219
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