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Posts posted by zScripz

  1. Thanks man!


    A second question...I want my script to perform a profit check function first and then move on to repeating the merch function until a certain time. My issue is that I cannot even get it to move from the ProfitCheck Case to the Merch Case


    Here is my Code

        	NPC clerk = npcs.closest("Grand Exchange Clerk");
        	if (clerk !=null && grandExchange.isOpen() == false)
        		return State.ExchangeBanker;
        		int OpenedIt = 1;
        		int CheckedIt = 0;
        	if (OpenedIt <= 2 && CheckedIt == 0)
        		return State.ProfitCheck;
        		OpenedIt += 1;
        		CheckedIt += 1;
        	if(CheckedIt >= 0)
        		return State.MerchTime;
        	return State.Wait;

    Here you see that I'm simply trying to get the script to recognize that if the previous case was completed it can move onto the next case, but for some reason it keeps hanging on the profit check case.


    The code where you increment OpenedIt and CheckedIt is unreachable


    also camelCase pls


    also you probably want to learn Java before writing a massive merch script

  2. 	public boolean interactWithTableItem(GroundItem tableItem, String action,
    			int tableHeight) throws InterruptedException {
    		Point p = org.osbot.script.rs2.utility.Utilities.getScreenCoordinates(
    				bot, tableItem.getGridX(), tableItem.getGridY(), tableHeight);
    		int height = (int) tableItem.getMouseDestination().getBoundingBox()
    		int width = (int) tableItem.getMouseDestination().getBoundingBox()
    		return selectOption(null, new RectangleDestination(p.x - width / 2, p.y
    				- height / 2, width, height), action, false);

    this was old code i used in osbot 1, with a little tinkering it should work

  3. The OP was poorly worded, so I don't think anyone besides the developers even know what's going on, but in overall it seems that were going to have to rewrite our scripts for free. Even if they just get it for 30 days that's still a free month of access to our scripts and only like 5% of buyers actually renew a script.


    Don't quote me if the topic doesn't even concern you. Just manage the forum big boy.

    itt swizz complains about something that takes literally 5 minutes b/c he would rather fuck over customers than give them a good product


    claps 4 you!

    • Like 2
  4. 1. In OSBot 1 we had obj.getMouseDestination().getBoundingBox() which returned a rectangle, which was very useful in drawing objects on screen. I've looked around ObjectDefinition and the new Model, but haven't found any way to access this, if its even still here.


    I will update as I find things, but liking the new api a lot. Its going to be extremely easy for new scripters to learn how to script.

    • Like 1
  5. nezz, moore and fearme all 3 examples of great scripters and their scripts work super good..... yet the SDN scripter shows nothing whatsoever. means you got a script on the SDN big whup! no one will know that they release/write premium quality scripts/work whatsoever and most people with SDN Scripter rank are known to jst upload a free script and just get the rank thats it........................ -_____- Go look at sales ffor all those with OSD vs SDN Scripter rank. those with OSD exceed SDN Scripter rank massively..........





    ot: no

    • Like 1
  6. I use .compareTo in most cases. This was an earlier method I used and it worked so I didn't see the need to replace the ==.



    sorry to say this but if you are using this method you simply don't understand anything about strings..

    • Like 1
  7. Both ACT and AP offer financial aid. In addition your school will help you as much as possible with this, they receive an incentive for each child taking these tests



    source: took 12 AP tests and 3 ACTs and SATs now



    if you like I can link you.





    here it is anyways





    As her parents are not supporting her financially she would declare she is INDEPENDENT of them.


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