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Rare scripts

Scripter I
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Posts posted by Rare scripts

  1. 21 hours ago, MaxedTitans said:

    What you could do is take out a few things and see where it breaks. For example, I've had a few scripts like this which didnt work if I specified a world. So you could try getting rid of that and the norandoms etc, see where it breaks. Are you also not getting any errors, does it not open anything?

    Hey, thanks helping with a solution!
    I can confirm its not the script nor the CLI line itself, i tested and boot+works on my end.

    Even after adding 'pause' to his CMD, which should stop it from going away so the issue is visible the command screen goes away in a second.

    I'm pretty clueless at this point of what it could be, can it be the java path or something?

    Thanks everybody!


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