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  1. Did it involve seed stalls or farming? There was some low level with 99 thieving that was hit during the bot ban stream last week. All it had in it's bank was seeds...
  2. This doesn't necessarily show that they measure moves per hour unless you have unhuman movement speeds and number of clicks. It's more likely a combination of length of time and doing nothing. How many people do you know that stay awake for 25 hours at a time? Moreover, why would they randomly be clicking on runescape the entire time AND doing nothing? Maybe staying on for greater than X amount of hours gets you flagged, then you get manually inspected, which will show that you've done absolutely nothing for 25 hours. I doubt he had a control. There's so many variables involved with this type of experiment too. You would need accounts with nearly the same creation date, skills, play time, infraction history, etc to make sure there's no bias. Even then what would the control activity be? Clicking at a different interval than the first? Clicking on only one spot? Actually doing something during those 25 hours while maintaining an equal number of movements per hour? Not to mention any good experiment is carried out a significant number of times to get the same results repeatedly.
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