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Posts posted by steamcleaner

  1. 4 hours ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    My question is, have you been botting tutorial island on your IP at all? That means on any account. After you create a certain amount of accounts on one IP in a short amount of time, they'll start banning every account you create within a few hours of game play. Accounts must be created through multiple proxies or buy the tutorial completed accounts from a reputable user.

    I highly doubt you were banned for trading the items over. I've transferred over 4-5b through my lvl 3 mule and it's still not banned. I also only use one IP, I don't use proxies at all.

    so i just need to make these account from a different IP?

  2. 44 minutes ago, d23p said:

    have you got other accounts banned before ? Jagex might have an eye on ya O:

    yeah I made this account because another account got the hammer. My IP could be flagged; if I reset my IP will it look bad on the accounts that haven't gotten banned / my mules?

  3. 5 minutes ago, totedem said:

    steam make sure you xfer your goodies to an acc u have no botted on the same ip.....they will ban the other acc if your not using proxies

    Appreciate the heads up bro, thats what I am currently doing. Im not using VPN or proxies atm just running 2-4 accounts and xfering to a mule at the end of the day. I made this new account today cuz one got banned yesterday due to a bad WC script. Didnt expect this legit brand new account to get a macroing ban for nothing.

  4. Hey guys, made a fresh account a couple nights ago and just traded materials to it to do Dorics Quest, Cooks Assistant, and Goblin Diplomacy. Upon finishing Goblin Diplomacy and teleporting to lumby my account logged out and then was banned. Is this normal? This account never botted and literally only walked over and completed the quests. 


    I'm wondering if I can do anything from this point, yes it looks fishy that a new account got materials to perfectly complete the quests to unlock trading, but it never botted and received a permanent macroing major ban. Doesn't make much sense to me. 

  5. Have tried this script many times with many different accounts, by far the highest ban rate of any script I run, premium or not. Fair warning to those who decide to purchase. Even if you only bot 2-3 hours a day with breaks this bad boy you will get the hammer. 


    Also many free scripts outperform this script on many levels. Just an overall bad purchase. 

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